forwarded message:
From: "Stephen Tomasik"
Date: December 23, 2009 3:22:48 PM EST
Subject: Hounsfield Wind Farm - Notice of Completion of FEIS
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has accepted the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Hounsfield Wind Farm proposed for Galloo Island, Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County. A copy of this notice and the attached location map are included with this email. You are receiving this email notice because you have made comments on this project or have otherwise expressed interest in being placed on the distribution list for DEC notices regarding this project, and have provided an email address for use by DEC in communicating agency notices. Please note that a separate notice will NOT be sent to you via regular mail. The notice was published in today's Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB), which can be accessed at: To view the entire FEIS, go to the Upstate NY Power Corp. link at:
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or comments.
Stephen Tomasik
Project Manager
Energy Projects and Management
Division of Environmental Permits
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway - 4th Floor
Albany, New York 12233-1750
PH: (518) 486-9955
FAX: (518) 402-9168

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