Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Clayton industrial wind project ~ HORSE ~ CREEK~

Clayton industrial wind project

Someone sent me this information about the Clayton industrial wind project.

This is a digital enhancement of the industrial wind farm proposed in Clayton NY showing the towers and residents homes.

The red triangles are homes and they are NOT all on this map.
The outer circles of the turbines are the just 1250 ft setbacks (local wind law rule).
The setbacks are NOT from adjacent resident’s property lines but from their homes. The Clayton project impacts not only Clayton residents it also impacts residents in Brownville, Lyme and Orleans along with two State wildlife preserves.
The wind district butts all of these townships.

There are only 26 residents in this wind district who will lease turbines just 26!!!

It is estimated that this project will impact over 2500 plus lives.

It has been PROVEN by acoustic engineers and Iberdola's (the developer) own noise analysis that all these residents will face excessive noise impacts during hours of sleep.
Many residents have 15 plus turbines surrounding their homes within a mile.
This is wrong.
World Health Organization says this is wrong.
The recommendations by our own NYS DEC on noise levels are ignored.
A wind committee consisting of both leasers and non leasers proves the setbacks are wrong. Clayton hired non biased acoustic engineers who proved these setbacks will harm all these residents. Health is a major concern but so is a property value.
Would you buy one of these homes?
To have or have NOT a wind farm is left in the hands of the Town councils.

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