Monday, August 29, 2011


Big event coming to Cape Vincent August 31, 2011
Location: Cape Vincent Rec Park
Brought to you by the New York Wind Education Collaborative:
Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY), Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), and PACE Energy and Climate Center
Date: Wednesday, August 31
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Cape Vincent Rec Park
602 South James St.
Cape Vincent, NY 13618
Opportunity for Questions and Answers will follow.

Contact Brian Smith at for more info.

Back in the early years October 2007, there was trouble with the proposed wind developments in Cape Vincent and Lyme . The fierce debate began in Cape Vincent.
In the face of British Petroleum’ s bringing wind development to Lyme the war over wind began raging, discontent was brewing .

Lyme was in a dispute with the town of Cape Vincent over control of the environmental review for the portion of the British Petroleum’s wind development that would be in their borders.
They enacted a moratorium on wind farm development while it drafts zoning regulations for wind turbines.
The split in the community over wind development ran deep.
Protesters began to stand up to anyone who supported the idea of wind development, and property owners who wanted to reap the financial rewards of wind were not standing down.
BP had to take action to prevent the community from galvanizing any more than it already had.
Bp scheduled an informational open house to educate and inform the community about wind development.
Jim Madden BP' Project Manager for the proposed Cape Vincent wind farm stated that BP hired community organizer Marrion Trieste’s to handle “Public Relations and do "outreach" work. It was at this meeting that Trieste introduced Voters For Wind a “grass roots” organization that she helped launch.
In reaction to the many protesters marching outside this meeting Trieste said
“Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and their own concerns,” said Marion Trieste, of Green Energy Outreach Services. “This is America.”

It has been over four years since Voters for Wind was born from a need to promote wind development in Cape Vincent and Lyme. Over the years, wind development has had its ups and downs, however now we are at a crucial point. Cape Vincent is poised to elect town board members that do not have conflicts of interest this will severely cripple the wind projects because we will have board members that will put the community first. The protection of our citizens through proper setbacks and property protection plans is something that is financially unacceptable to the wind companies. They must take action with a primary just two weeks away they have decided to bring in the big guns to try to regain control.

One of the representatives that will be speaking at this event is Carol Murphy; she became first executive director of the Alliance for Clean energy (ACE) May 11, 2006 .

Coincidentally at this same time, Marion Trieste and Steve Sullivan were publicists for ACE.
Trieste was there in the beginning to usher in the wind projects. Will she be in Cape Vincent this Wednesday with all her “Green” “Grass Roots” friends to usher the wind projects out as well?
Read the press release here

Jeffersons Leaning Left has also done an excellent post about this wind developers sponsored event link here to read about Another pro-wind public relations attempt in Cape Vincent.


Anonymous said...

Public relations. The key way these people misrepresent themselves is "grass roots", promoting small "start up companies" like British petroleum. People are led to believe it's people in their own community who have raised funds "baking pies made from clean energy." PR has always been used in the oil and gas industry and is nothing new here. Oil spills and other disasters have disappeared under a blanket of PR. Public Relations is the number one industry in the media, but is nothing more than industry propaganda, and basic circus style shill. Free hot dogs and soda for every sucker. "Mommy, I love clean energy people". "I'd like to teach the world to sing,,,," Drink up, it's the Green Generation!!! Barf.

Anonymous said...

You are right, 11:36. It is disgusting.

But don't let that keep you away. Go to this forum and tell them what you think. These clowns need to see for themselves just how angry they have made our community.

And don't feel guilty about eating one of the enemy's hot dogs. Have two.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ,like they're going to serve Pearl hot dogs and homemade ginger beer. The trick is, they have the deck stacked. They are all "pro" and everyone else is "anti". To be anti anything is anti American. They go after your minds as children with slogans, and we live that way all our lives. Try slogans with Pro Wildlife/Pro Human,,, and Pro,,I'd just like a decent night sleep. Pro open and honest Town leaders. Negative rarely wins an argument.( Oh yeah, and the night before the party steal all the hot dogs and soda.) Take it over to a food pantry.

Anonymous said...

Free pizza and hot dogs?
Haven't they heard about the obesity epidemic in this country? Just take a look at some of the greenshirts, many require two chairs!

Anonymous said...

I think that Over Eaters anon meets every Tuesday at the library

Anonymous said...

what no green kool aid?

Anonymous said...

question? do i need a vender permit to sell cans of bullshit repellant that night at rec park?

Anonymous said...

It'll be like a soup kitchen. people will be asked to listen to a few words from Father Wind, and sister Karen Stumpf, of course.
"Times have changed, and the future requires alternative methods of energy production. The farmland beyond the village of Cape Vincent could once again become viable. The income the farmers received through turbine leases could once again benefit and strengthen the economy of the village. All who own property, especially seasonal landowners who pay taxes on more than one property, would benefit from reduced property taxes." Not to mention farm subsidies, reduced production of milk and other products, a new Hummer SUV, and a set of balls for her son and husband to share. Brother Tim C. will have a few words, "I am a simple man, like you, and all I want from your town is the same quarterly numbers we get from all of our other investments at ACCIONA. Your friendly neighborhood Global Corporation." And now for something really Gross.

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