Saturday, August 27, 2011


Luck of the Draw

April 25, 2000


- A burglar "got lucky" during the weekend, entering the American Legion post here on a rare occasion that a night deposit was not made at a bank, a state police investigator said.
Approximately $2,300 in cash and checks was stolen in a burglary discovered at 8 a.m. Monday at the Legion post, police said. Club steward Marvin Votra said about $600 was cash, and the balance was in checks, which were already stamped "for deposit only."
Investigator Judy A. Paduano said entry is believed to have occurred Sunday night or early Monday through an unlocked restroom window. She said she thinks the intruder might have been surprised to find more than a small amount of money retained for use as change.
Because the Legion, at 248 E. Broadway, was closed for Easter, Mr. Votra said, he had not had a chance to make a bank deposit.
The intruder "broke down" a steel door to enter the room where the money was hidden, Mr. Votra said. There was no ransacking. It is not believed that anything else, including beer or liquor, was stolen, Mr. Votra said.
Since tourist season has not begun, Investigator Paduano said, the burglar is likely a local person.


Anonymous said...

Some time ago, I was at my local Legion and saw one of the bartenders carrying cases of Heineken out the back door just by chance. Then, a little while later he came in through the front door and started his shift. I told a buddy what I saw and we went out and sure enough, his truck was loaded with good old Heineken. He had a tarp over it to keep it hid I guess. Well, we didnlt want it to get stolen, so we put it all in my buddy's truck and put the tarp over it. We went back inside and the bartender was in such a good mood, we didn't want to spoil the surprise he was going to get when he got out of work. He was caught stealing a while after that and was fired, of course. He was a lousy bartender anyway.He hit on my girlfriend and then refused to serve her when she shot him down. These sort of things just have a way of happening to people who think they can get away with anything. Oh yeah, it was one heck of a while before we had to buy beer for a party.

Anonymous said...

I was suprised when this was reported. this crap happens more than people know in Cape

Anonymous said...

This story, of course, begs the question - did this burglary occur during the time Jeri Ann Mason worked at the Cape legion bar? The quiet, big rumor in the Cape is that she was fired for stealing money. Yet, people who would have known about her pilfering supported her candidacy for town clerk's office. She ran for office after her legion job. For a long time many of us did not talk about Mason's legion rumor, but now that she's been indicted, by no less than the Attorney General's office, the rumor should be investigated.

Anonymous said...

Was that rumor about Jeri Ann being fired over stealing money the money that was taken in the burglary ? Or was it different money?

Anonymous said...

LIES, LIES, LIES and more LIES!!!!!!!
Jeri Ann was not fired from the Legion she quit and went to work for the Village Board as an office assistant

Anonymous said...

Jeri Ann accused of stealing money from the town, Lies, Lies, Lies!!!! I don't think so.

New York's Attorney General's office doesn't think so either, Indicted, Indicted, Indicted!!!

Now that she's been indicted law enforcement officials should follow-up on any other questionable improprieties in her past or others.

I suppose if and when she's convicted there will be a few loyal defenders of Jeri suggesting seasonal voters held a gun to her head to make her steal.

Anonymous said...

I also heard she quit, but the Legion was glad she did because they suspected she was dirty but didn't want to or know to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

It has always been suspected that the Legion robbery was an inside job.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone remembers the time the Mason twins and their clone Mickey Orvis threw a major hissy fit over Urban spending a few dollars of town money to buy a decent cell phone so he could conduct town business. Well, why hasn't there been a pip out of the same bootjack wind thug cartel members over 10's of thousands of missing town money. Everyone gets one guess!

Anonymous said...

Good point. The Mason twins and Mickey get bent out of shape over a $200 cell phone purchase but never say a word, not a single word, about the other Mason's $50,000 heist. Anybody got video of these wing-nuts ranting about Urban's phone? That would be priceless to see and compare to their silence over Jeri Mason's thievery.

Anonymous said...

Fatty and skinny went to bed
Fatty rolled over and skinny was dead

Anonymous said...

Funny. It was my understanding that people at the Legion were beginning to talk about their suspicions. So, rather than waiting for the possibility of investigation for those suspicions, brother Marty and the boys decided to get her another job and get her out of the Legion.

I am still dumbfounded over the fact that when Deb Suller a CPA applied for the appointment to the poisition of interim Town Clerk, she received a letter telling her the Town Board had decided to hire someone "more qualified", only to find out it was Jeri Mason. WHAT? MORE QUALIFIED?!!!!!!!! Had Deb been hired and elected, the taxpayers wouldn't have been missing $50 grand.
But then of course, Deb would never have put up with the shakey deals and her minutes of meetings would have been detailed, accuate and never have come up missing.

Nepotism, reaps its rewards.

Anonymous said...

"LIES, LIES, LIES and more LIES!!!!!!!
Jeri Ann was not fired from the Legion she quit and went to work for the Village Board as an office assistant" OK. That's four "LIES". Exactly , how many times did she steal money? And from whom?

Anonymous said...

Receiving stolen property carries the same penalty, boys and girls. You rally have to wonder how many other things these Masons have done and what deals they have struck with the devil to give him what he wants. This isn't about wind?
Maybe not, but it's all coming out because of it. "Forgive us our little crimes" is fine when those who have been forgiven mend their ways. It appears these people need to be taught the hard way. Lies, and facts, have a way of sorting themselves out.

Anonymous said...

"Gee, sis, you're ruining the family name. What will the Stumpf's think? Wiley called, says why didn't he get a cut?" Looks like a really bad storm coming.

Anonymous said...

For Jeri Mason's adamant defender of her Legion job, you take umbrage over the insinuation she was fired, but please try to justify her stealing taxpayer funds from the town. I assume you would contend she quit her clerk's job to spend more time with her family. Sorry, but the AG ain't buying her baloney and we aren't buying your baloney - she's a crook!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I see a Donald Votra signed the illegal petition. Any relation? The phrase "culture of corruption" is is pretty descriptive. Looks like Cape Vincent taxpayers get screwed at every turn by these scumbags. First, it's the crimes. Then, it's more crimes to cover those crimes up. Then, it's insults to those who expose the crimes. Then, it's all just a string of crimes and everyone is a liar except the thieves. This will unravel,at the sound of a gavel? BANG. GUILTY. BANG. GUILTY. BANG. GUILTY. AS CHARGED. "I'm innocent I tell you, INNOCENT. I WAS FRAMED !!" "LIES, LIES, all LIES " and they had to drag the trio out of the courtroom. Pathetic losers and scum. Others will follow.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully others will follow.

Anonymous said...

Who says there are no conspiracies? Only those who are involved in one.

Anonymous said...

I did vote for Ms. Deb Suller and was disappointed she was not elected. I have been disappointed with the lack of professionalism there. Clerks that feel they can "talk down" to you, and when you ask their name, they will not even identify themselves. A few years ago I had to have a clerk in Watertown go into the computer to fix a problem that my local clerk should have been able to do. In fact the Watertown clerk even told her how to do it. When the local Cape clerk did not want to do her job, the Watertown clerk, got disgusted and told me the gal was unprofessional and did it for me herself. Please...get some truly professional public service personnel in the the Cape!!!!!