Friday, September 16, 2011

BP'S Jim Madden Warns against developing a protective wind law

Below is a copy of a letter from BP's business manager Jim Madden.
In his letter Madden is warning of the economic losses that will result in developing a protective wind law.

Link here to post giving background on wind law committee Dollars Versus Decibels
May 5, 2010
Town of Cape Vincent Planning Board
1964 NYS Rt. 12 E
Cape Vincent , NY 13618

The Town of Cape Vincent has been working on developing a wind ordinance for almost two years now. Through this time, BP Wind has supported the development of a wind ordinance so that expectations for siting, construction and operations of wind farms can be clearly established and uniformly enforced.

However, despite recent efforts, it appears that a wind ordinance will not be implemented this year, largely due to lack of agreement on noise limits. As everyone involved in these discussions knows, measuring noise and establishing noise limits are complex issues. Ambient noise varies by season and even minute to minute due to wind, insects and other natural and man-made noise sources. Wind turbine noise also varies with wind speed as the blades increase and decrease in velocity. Furthermore, it is easy to get sidetracked on technical issues like method of measuring and which noise standards to use.

As you know, Cape Vincent is not the first town to implement a wind ordinance. Hundreds of communities in the U.S. have similar concerns and resolved them in a manner that protects residents and allows for responsible development of wind energy.

Here in New York, we are aware of 22 towns that have implemented wind ordinances that include noise limits below 50 dBA. Yet many of these towns have operating wind farms without any significant noise issues and some are even pursuing expansion of their projects.

While we would all prefer if wind turbines were completely silent, the fact is that wind turbines are not as noisy as critics claim. Anyone who has visited a wind farm and talked to the people living near operating turbines can attest to that, However, establishing unrealistic limits on noise will simply act as a de- facto ban on wind energy in Cape Vincent. While wind energy opponents would cheer that idea, it would prevent the town and the region from receiving tens of millions of dollars in economic benefits the wind farm would provide.

Some would ask that you not consider economic benefits when considering a wind ordinance. Therefore, we have developed the enclosed estimates of the economic benefits of the BP Wind project, based on various noise limits. We used NYSERDA data on construction and operations jobs and revenues, as well as the recent Galloo Island PILOT agreement for tax revenues.

This analysis shows an expected total 20- year economic benefit to the region of over 86$ million from our project , assuming noise limits are set at 50dBA at non- participating property lines. As limits are tightened, there will reduction in number of turbines and reduction in economic benefits. At 48 dBA, the economic benefits are reduced by $13 million, to about $73 million, while at 47dBA, there would be $68million in estimated economic benefits.

Finally, the analysis shows that a noise limit of 42dBA at property lines would result in a 36MW project and only $27million in economic benefits over 20 years, if it was built. In reality, the economics will not support a 36 MW project, so the project could not be built.

While the discussion of noise limits and setbacks is important, the Town of Cape Vincent should keep in mind the economic impacts of these decisions and that there are practical limits to what can be done with current wind energy technology.


Jim Madden

Business developer

Foiled Copy of Maddens letter below

Below are charts and data that Madden put together to show that a too restrictive wind law

Madden says that it will cut into the community and leaseholder profits. I think that BP is more concerned about their profits than those of the community or lease holders .


Anonymous said...

Wanna buy a used Plymouth? I can get you a good deal. No money down, 19.7 % financing. Full retail for your trade in. A free 44 inch HDMI Television, and the first tank of gas is free.
"What's the price of the car?"
Our prices are the lowest we have ever offered.
"What's the price of the car ?"
We don't mark it up to mark it down. "What's the price of the car ?
" Did I tell you it has a fully warranted catalytic converter and a cd player?
"What's the price of the car ?"
We've averaged our prices using the latest surveys done by highly trained marketing consultants and comparable values.
" What's the price of the car?"
Listen PAL, we have a lot of customers who were happy with this deal , why don't you sign?
"What's the price of the car?"

Anonymous said...

"Sincerely" ? Hey, scumbag from BP, I got sincerity for you. Go clean up your other messes before you start any new ones. Sincerely. In twenty years these things will be nothing but cemetery stones with BP on every rusting hulk. Hey, estimate this, ok pal? I gotta go buy a suit for my pig. He says he can do your job better. I think he's overqualified.

Anonymous said...

Why was this letter sent to the town which was considering a wind law?

An amendment to a zoning law is about protecting people from negative impacts from their neighbors activities and development, not making money for the town.

Madden should have sent this letter to Don Alexander and the JCIDA.

How the hell can anyone serve the interests of the people when companies like BP and Acciona are throwing cash promises around like confetti?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this letter again...we need to continue to remind those of us who have lived with this and to educate those who missed such examples of the "terrible things" (to quote Marty Mason) the wind companies have done to our town.

Zoning laws are designed to PROTECT all citizens! Having a wind company telling a town how to write their zoning law ought to be illegal!

Madden did this because (in my opinion) he wanted to make the most money possible for BP and himself. He could have cared less about protecting ALL citizens in Cape Vincent. What he wanted was to protect HIMSELF and the WIND LEASE HOLDERS in Cape!

VOTE HIRSCHEY, SCHNEIDER, BYRNE to give us a town council that is not financially conflicted and will write zoning law amendments that fit our town comprehensive plan...there by protecting ALL citizens!

Anonymous said...

Remember his "noise is money" quote. I attended the meeting when he made that statement to the town board! I do not recall if it was video taped....but I wish it was so people who did not hear it in person can see the tape!

Madden's interests were his personal gain, BP and CV leaseholders. Basically he told the rest of us to shove it up you know where!

Anonymous said...

See, Madden? Everyone thinks you're a scumbag. Clean up your messes, then go away.

Anonymous said...

Even if Madden's famous "Noise is Money" quote wasn't taped, it doesn't make any difference. This letter states the very same thing. He was about oily as Tim Conboy.
Good riddance to him, but his replacement appears to be equally Gross.

Anonymous said...

It's time in America to put this species back in its cage. Few realize that it all really starts with the Rotchild family. These projects feed off the Federal Reserve, which makes interest in every scam in America. These projects consume more tax dollars and revenue than we could ever recover from their "cost savings". Subsidies eat up any benefits long before the projects are found to be ineffective, fall into decay, and are left to rot for our grandchildren to look upon with wonder. "How did our parents and grandparents allow this to happen?" They tried, but the overwhelming forces of greed and contempt for their fellow man drove a breed of scumbag into one failed project after another. Always the same rationale, always the same results. "Oh, yes, I remember reading about one of the worst oil disasters in US history and how the American Presidents let them walk away with no accountability". That's right. They did, and not only that, they took even more of the American people's money to fund other useless revenue sucking projects. "Why did the American people do nothing?" That was because they also had a "War on Terror" at the same time, so protesters were put into the same category as any other radical terrorist groups. "Oh. That's right. That was when President Georg Bush said 'You're either with us, or you're against us". Very good, you know your history. "They said that 9/11 was an inside job so that Bush could pass his 'War on Terror'." That's right, but mainstream media let him get away with everything he did. OK, kids, see you tomorrow. Don't forget to read chapter 13 when they took away the rights of the American people to file bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Or what? BP? Isn't that British Petroleum?
By the way, didn't we win the Spanish American War , too? What's our government doing in bed with these douchebags , anyway? Remember the old days when John Wayne was so ubiquitous? The Marine Hymn and all that? Didn't we win at least one stinking war before Nixon came along? Why are we all over the world fighting wars while other countries are running all over the country spoiling everything? People with no national pride , except maybe for that of Great Britain, Japan,Spain, Canada, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and of course the Cayman Islands are ripping us off every where we turn. No wonder they could care less about a quaint little town like Cape Vincent. It could just as well be a nuclear waste dump to them. Mr Hirschey and friends sure have their work cut out for them.