Tuesday, October 4, 2011



The results are in and response is overwhelming
The respondents to the Lyme Industrial Wind Turbine survey do not want their community industrialized by wind development.
It was reported in 2007 that the “question received universal suopport for a noise limit of less than 5 decibel increase over ambient sound levels” – this result is repeated in the 2011 Survey.
below are excerpts from the results of the 16 page Lyme Wind survey
To read the entire survey link here

Common to every question in the Survey is referenced to the Town Survey Area Map.
The Map below is a copy of that which was included as part of the Survey and may be used as reference in the study of the report
Map of Areas for Survey results

Included : 566 In Favor; 1,041 Not in Favor ; while 14 completed responses to other questions, but did not answer Question 1.

The Data for those who answered Question 1 is shown below, with 1,607 responses.

The Data for those who answered Question 1 is shown below, with 1,607 responses.
The overall response ratio to Question 1, including those who did not answer that question is shown below, demonstrating no significant impact in the results

The question has arisen, “is a response of 1,621 adequate? “Earlier in this study , it is reported that given the population size, a response rate of ~ 320 would provide reliable results that accurately reflected the overall response. Thus, to demonstrate this, with a response of ~ 1,600 , the survey was broken into five[5] categories to validate the adequacy of a sample
B. Response By Area
The following figure shows the response by Area, beginning with Area A, and proceeding through the surveys that indicated No identification area. Recalling the Margin of Error , only areas A and B have a sample size large enough to provide stand- alone results meeting the 5% maximum – even though an indication from the other areas is presented.

This question seeks the opinion of the respondents as to where they believe wind turbines, if allowed should be located within the Town of Lyme... The Town Board has previously promised the Town that no turbines would be considered west of Route 12E, as such the town-sought responses as to the suitability of turbines within Area D and/ or Area F. In addition, the respondents were able to state that nowhere in the town was suitable for wind turbines. The respondents were allowed to provide multiple answers to this question [i.e. they could choose area D or area F, or both Areas D and F]
There are a number of ways to look at this response. Some respondents who were not in favor of turbines did identify where [if they were to be in the Town of Lyme] turbines should be located. In evaluating this response, it is found that 57.9% of the respondents want turbines “NOWHERE IN THE TOWN”. Only 35.3% of the respondents are in favor of turbines in Area D, while 64.7% are opposed. When we consider the responses to Area F, there are 23.4% “in favor of locating turbines there, while 76.6 % are opposed to turbines in F

The response to this Question is presented in the following chart. Clearly, the results favor turbines in neither Area D nor F.

The overall town wide results in 2011 are 83.0% of the respondents either wrote in “no sound increase is acceptable “or selected the “less than 5 Decibel” sound increase. No area of the Town has a majority that would accept any sound increase over 5 – dBA above existing background levels.

WDT put the wrong date in the paper for the survey result presentation.
There will be a public hearing on extending the moratorium and a presentation by Paul Carr on the survey results tomorrow night 10/5 at 6:30 at The Town of Lyme offices.


Anonymous said...

The people of Lyme are speaking loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

Reading between the lines, it's evident that the seasonal residents are over-ruling the locals. Luckily, they can't vote here.

Warold Hiley said...

As a voter for wind, I dispute these results. You poll takers can make anything look as though it is going your way. The facts are the facts, over 215% of the folks I know personally have said they want wind turbines in Lyme, in Cape Vincent, in Clayton, on their property, on their in-laws property, on their mail boxes, on their cars, hell they want them everywhere. If I got out more the number would be about 250-300% of the folks I know.

Anonymous said...

I've got news for those who supported the 65%. If you have wind supporters sitting on your town board they will just ignore your study results. That is how they have operated in the Cape for years.

You may be overjoyed now with the release of the results, but without the right political support you are still screwed.

If your candidates won't support the wind study results, you've got little more than a month to get a write-in campaign up and running.

Don't rely on your board to do the right thing with these study results.

Anonymous said...

Chaumont has a lot more scumbags running things than Cape Vincent. They have a lot more experience screwing the little people around. The cabal in Cape Vincent should have gone to them in the first place for advice on how to screw people.
Now is the time for all good people to come and watch people really get scumbagged.

Anonymous said...

As a voter for fraud and corruption ,,,blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

I want my money! I want my money, dammit!