Saturday, March 31, 2012


Recently the Bureau of Labor and statistics (BLS)released data on green jobs in America their report is, creative to say the least.

Here are a few highlights from a story written by _ David Kreutzer a research fellow in energy economics and climate change at The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis.

The BLS Green Jobs report revealed that there are 33 times as many green jobs in the septic tank and portable toilet service as in solar electric utilities.

The largest green-job producers within manufacturing are steel mills. Over 50 percent of all jobs in steel mills are counted as green -- not because the steel goes to make green products, but because most of our steel is made from scrap steel.

 This comment by Anon sums things up nicely

So this is being green - "producing goods or providing services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources."

My cousin Vinnie runs a septic pump-out business. He drives what he calls his "stinking honey bucket."

Vinnie always used to tell people that his was a shi# job - really!

Now I can tell Vinnie he doesn't have to think his job is shi##y because now he's working in "renewables," green energy. He's a crap pusher no longer. Now his is into recycling, keeping our planet clean, and if he spreads his honey on your lawn, keeping the planet green!

Ain't it great to be able to disguise what you really do?

Read David Kreutzer's story in the Kennebec Journal

Link here to the BLS report

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul Mason also has a green enterprise. Although it is actually brown, he is doing a vital service by recycling his bull manure, both on his farm and by word of mouth.