Monday, July 30, 2012

Wind farms can cause property blight to nearby homes

This from the Sunday times EPAW
22 July 2012
Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor

Wind farms can cause property blight to nearby homes, according to what could become landmark rulings by a government agency.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA), which decides council tax valuations, has accepted that having wind turbines built near homes can sharply decrease their value and has, as a result, moved some into a lower tax band.
The decisions are a serious threat for the wind farm industry. Until now, such negative views have been rejected by the industry and planners as simply subjective opinion.

In one of the latest cases, a couple living near the 22-turbine Fullabrook wind farm near Braunton, Devon saw the price of their home fall from about £400,000 to £300,000. Three of the turbines are within 650 yards of their home.


Link here to continue reading ~ The European Platform Against Wind Farms

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