Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wind turbines a matter of warped perspective

Photo trickery makes wind farms smaller
JULY 15TH, 2012
James Gillespie Published: 15 July 2012

WIND FARM developers have been accused of deceiving local councils and the public by using computer-generated images in planning applications that make the turbines seem smaller than they are in reality. The claim is contained in a new book, Windfarm Visualisation: Perspective or Perception,
by the architect Alan Macdonald, whose company, Architech, specialises in computer- generated images. A separate study by the University of Stirling found serious flaws in the images that are presented as part of a visual impact assessment in the planning process.
Macdonald said the accepted practice was for a photograph of the landscape where the turbines are to be sited to be taken on a camera with a 50mm lens. This is then “stitched together” with other 50mm shots to create a long, shallow panorama on an A3 page.

Link to original from


Below are three photo simulations  from BP's SDEIS.

link here to view all photo simulations of Cape Vincent  for  BP/ Acciona.
 Many of the turbines in the simulations are depicted in such a way that they are barely visible.

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