Saturday, October 6, 2012

MetalCraft Marine receives $1.9 million contract to produce Coast Guard boats

Photos  ~  Coast Guard Raider boat (22 feet long)    


Anonymous said...

Metal Craft states they'll be up to 22 jobs after they hire 5 more employees to help with the new contract. Holy Crap, that's more employees than BP overestimates for their project that would contaminate our entire town. Does Metal Craft and Anchor Marina get an 80% break on their property taxes? No. Then why should we give BP a nickel if we don't give existing Cape businesses a break?

Anonymous said...

MetalCraft does not devalue 80% of the homes in Cape Vincent by as much as 40% per home.
And frankly after what they have put this town trough I could now care less about the cash flow of the 4% who would actually benefit from the ugliness.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the details of the benfit package Metal Craft received?

Lets compare apples with apples.

Not looking for guesses, here, only factual details.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:42 AM

Getting facts from BP - why would we start believing anything they say regarding jobs and compensation. This, the company that says noise, no problem and property devaluation, no problem. We should all understand that anything said by BP/Trieste is biased, tainted, skewed, and misrepresented. The real liars in this town are not the blogs and not their commenters, but those whose pockets are lined with BP cash.

Anonymous said...

$900,000 from chuck schumer .

Anonymous said...

900,000 gives us 22 jobs

40 million in PILOT alone to Bp gives us 8 jobs and reduces the value of our homes.

Do the math...

Anonymous said...

And, by the way. Vote for Michelle Oswald.

She has not worked hard the last six years to give away our community like the family of the Democratic candidate has done.

Anonymous said...

900.000 gives us 22 jobs .who is us?

Anonymous said...

$900,000 from chuck Schumer"

What kind of a factual answer is that?

Can you give any verifiable details about the 900,000, or a PILOT agreement, or variances from village zoning, or any other incentives or subsidies they may have received?