Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BP's CVWP ~ Intervenor Funding Power Point

An Article X workshop  was held by BP Wind Energy at 6 p.m. tonight at the Cape Vincent Recreation Park on James Street. 
  Below are the documents used in their power point presentation.

Intervernor Funding Power Point Part~ 1

 Intervernor Funding Power Point Part~ 2



Anonymous said...

Here we go again. What in hell is the scope of the project? The intervenor funding amounts stated
$70,000 to $99,750")tells us nothing about the real size of the project. If the funding is $70,000 does this mean that BP may reduce the number of turbines or change the rated output and keep the same number of turbines??? What in hell is the word "approximately" in there for? BP is making a mockery of the PSC and us. PSC, please stop this game now!

Anonymous said...

Can intervenor funds be used to sue landowners who enter into agreements that cause the value of your home to plummet?

Anonymous said...

They are going to ignore the list of impacts given them by the town. He said the first fase of money was for if they didn't include something. It don't sound right.

Anonymous said...

I would echo a previous observation that it is totally absurd and inappropriate for BP to be informing the Town of Cape Vincent as to their rights regarding any of the ART. X process i.e. the intervenor funds.

ARt. X is the ultimate insult to local municipalities. To force communities to endure these convoluted ,pompous, sessions at the hands of BP's corrupted representatives is truly repugnant.

When will the citizens of Cape Vincent and New York, have had enough of this debasing process and simply refuse to comply?

Dave LaMora

Anonymous said...

Those are big words David and you were never good in high school English.

Anonymous said...

10:18 If you are going to feign familiarity with me ,or that you are even a local person, you should at least be sure of what you say, not just shoot off at the mouth ,with insults that are not only inaccurate, but could be contested by anyone who truly does know my history.

The worst uses of anonymity are when one engages in conversation at a personal level, intimating that there is a degree of mutual recognition, yet fears revealing him or herself.

Its not only disrepectful, its chickenshit.

And by the way ,I didn't use any words too big for an average reader.

Dave LaMora