Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fracking Found Safe In New York; Let Revolution Begin

  We suggest Cuomo stiffen his spine. The benefits of fracking are phenomenal.

Though the public is learning about it just now, New York officials said nearly a year ago that fracking is not necessarily a hazard to public health. With that question answered, the state should clear the way for the fracking boom that is already a material economic driver to produce even greater gains.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo reportedly has been long aware of the February 2012 research compiled by state officials, who concluded that hydraulic fracturing could be performed safely in New York. Yet amid political pressure from the environmentalist lobby, he buried the findings. The report became public in recent days when a copy was leaked to a newspaper.[Investor Business Daily]


Anonymous said...

Ya dirty water pollution. Drink that crap if you dare. I threw them off my farm land for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Someone with common sense instead of greed.