Sunday, February 10, 2013

Is another letter of interest being circulated around town?

Last night I posted Darrel Aubertine's  letter to the Cape Vincent Town Board advising conflicted board members about voting on a wind issues.
 Reading really is fundamental

Today the following comment came in to this post . 

 A letter is being passed around town by a local businessman who signed the petition that, I believe, wrongly claimed voter irregularities. A petition which I believe was directed toward and intended to prevent the seasonals from their legal vote on local matters in Cape Vincent.

He claims in his letter that wind is not the problem but the people who hate each other. I disagree with that and remind the letter writer that he is only getting one side of the political wind story since he has not been seen at town meetings of the past or the present and only seems to be getting the story from the voters for wind. 

He also hints in his letter that this hate “of each other” changed the government. Again, let me remind the letter writer that the government was changed because the past public officials had become corrupted by their own wind leases. It was not hatred that changed the government. It was the majority’s understanding of government ethics violations and how they can impact a democracy.

I have been involved with friends on both sides of the wind issue. As for my anti-wind friends, I find that they stick to the issues such as the economic and health impacts. Personal hate is not in their vocabulary.

On the other hand, my pro-wind friends seem to always get right to the issue of who they hate and why those they hate, including the seasonals, should not have the same civil rights as they have. 

In my opinion the community problem was ignited by industrial wind and fueled by the greed of the Voters for wind.


Dear Cape Vincent ;

I have been living here for almost 18 years now. I moved here because
I thought the Cape was beautiful, the fishing was great, and most of all
the people. It seemed as though I was stepping back in time. I had been
living in the city for 18 years and forgotten what it was like living in a
small town.
  The day I moved in, the neighbor came over with a salad
just to be nice. I remember asking her what she wanted, being used to
living in the city. I thought then what better place to call home.
 Now after being here 18 years going through many
different issues including the village park, we come to the windmills.
They have put neighbor against neighbor and  removed our Town government
 Now,  we are we left with are people both Pro and 
anti-, that hate each other because of them. I had first thought the
windmills were the problem, but I think I'm wrong. The problem is
not the windmills, but people. God refers to people sometimes a 
sheep, or lambs to the slaughter. Get one sheep to go and the rest will
 follow. Seems to me that's us here in Cape Vincent. The slaughter
 being the ruin of the town I love so much. You could call this whatever 
you want. I'm not trying to sell you on God or windmills, even though
 the natural laws of God put here will never change.
 If we have windmills or not, it's not the question. The question is how 
will you feel about yourself when this is all done, windmills or not?
 When this is all over, your neighbor will still be there. Will you speak
 with him/her or will you walk on the other side of the street? Only you
 have that answer. We can only do this as a community. If we fail,
 Cape Vincent will still go on, but we will have the burden of what
 Cape Vincent turns into. What would you prefer your legacy to be?
Are you pro Cape or Pro you?

Thank you

A Pro – Cape Vincent citizen


Anonymous said...

I saw this letter displayed for public consumption on the counter of a local business. The copy of the the letter I saw and read had the signature of another local businessman indicating who "Pro-Cape Citizen" is.

Anonymous said...

I am Pro-Cape which is why I voted against past town members and helped elect a board that was for the town and not themselves.

I don't hate any pro-winders. I just don't think they can see past their money.

Anonymous said...

It only takes about 10 min. for the word to get out in the Cape.

This guy says "They have put neighbor against neighbor and removed our Town government"

Then he claims that the windmills are not t blame.


Anonymous said...

"If we have windmills or not, it's not the question."

Sorry...but that is just plain bullshit. The kind that might be spread around at a BP PIP meeting.

Stay Focused said...

This kind of mysterious "can't we all just get along" type of message has appeared before on the blogs in Cape Vincent.

This and variations of it are a standard form of messaging in the Big Wind perception management messaging inventory.

It is pure BS. It is a flat out and deliberate lie to suggest that any abnormal level of social tension in the town predates the arrival of wind developers and the decision of some local residents to cooperate with those developers at the huge expense of the rest of the community.

Can't we all just get along? Yes. When some people remember the difference between self-interest and self-interest at the expense of others.

Anonymous said...

Excellent letter. It substantiates how industrial wind tears a town apart.
I hope the writer sends it to the PSC as a comment.

Anonymous said...

When words reveal a simple truth, expose a misconception, or express a genuine sincerity, they are welcomed as heartfelt, and can strike a chord of true meaning,regardless of their origin.

This letter is hardly that ,rather a pile of bull dung.

No wonder the author neglects to take ownership.

Anonymous said...

The author did take ownership. The copy I saw had his signature on it.

Anonymous said...

What I find disturbing is the comment that hatred removed the town government. Is the writer implying the properly elected government is somehow not legitimate?

It is sad to say but this thinking prevails among many. Underlying firm beliefs that only certain people have rights, to speak, hold office, vote, and public office is to decisions are further one's own financial interests.

Looking out for the health, safety and welfare of the whole community and treating everyone that comes before the board with respect is what the town government is supposed to do, which is why the current officials were elected.

Anonymous said...

People are so blind to the truth and hatred towards the any person whose opinion doesn't agree with there's. They start by using curse words or names that they refer to those people. Look out for your self, those people that don't like you will always have a chip to pick on, and you'll always be wrong. They use the same excuses all the time health, home devaluation, animal deaths, or corrupt officials. There are too many to mention and so on. Yet they have there own people in the same positions and doing the same jobs that the others were doing. Soon the wheel will turn against them and there kind, people will soon be tired of them and there ways.It may take years, but the day will come for them to stand aside for change again. It's a crazy cycle. Good letter.

Anonymous said...

"There are too many to mention and so on. Yet they have there own people in the same positions and doing the same jobs that the others were doing"

By that statement I assume that the Author means that those are the people that "hate". The people who elected and were elected to public office do not have time to hate. They are much too busy serving the community and protecting the health, welfare and safety of the community rather than their own self serving financial interests and those of Bp.

The Cape Vincent Town Board was elected by the majority of the town's citizens despite the fact that the pro-wind leaders tried to interfere with democracy and passed a petition claiming irregularities that they never proven, made very open and bold attempts to intimidate voters with a letter to assessors and passed an illegal voting law.

There appears to have been many civil rights violations committed in Cape Vincent. Were they encouraged by industrial wind developers who is using an outside community organizer to serve as a buffer by tricking locals into doing their dirty deeds in what was once described as a little Appalachia?

The Cape Vincent elections have been certified and there has not been one formal filing of any complaint with the board of elections. The people at the board of elections have told members of voters for wind that the election was certified, you lost, now get over it!

We are coming into another election season and it will be very difficult for the community. We have two very important issues for the town to solve. One is the problems with water district 2 and the other is industrial wind.

Hopefully, before November many more qualified people will register to vote in Cape Vincent.

FYI, seasonal people outnumber the year round residents 2 to 1 and if they want to ensure they don't lose their seasonal home investments to wind turbines they might want to register and vote in the Cape.

The letter writer is an associate of the Voter for Wind spokesperson who in public meetings has mentioned outsiders. Many people do refer to those kinds of campaigns as "hate campaigns". So, in that sense the author may be right. But he may be calling the wrong people, "haters".

During the wind issue days, personal attacks on seasonal go way back to the former Supervisor publicly calling them selfish. If you listen to the Marion Trieste webinar on how to overcome town opinion and site wind, it might help you understand the importance that is placed on instigating a class war against seasonal people or "outsiders". They were described once as New Jersey Wall Street types.

I assure you that anti-wind is not driven by hate. Anti-wind are driven by the economic, social and health issues created by industrial wind. They are driven by the facts of wind failure and the ever growing world opinion against wind.

Yes, the anti-wind are being backed up by the documented events and ever growing concerns about industrial wind that are now being proven all over the world.

Unfortunately, hate, spreading hate and generating hate is a very strong force that works. Hitler dressed his supporters in brown shirts, taught them how to hate, how to scare, take away rights and gave them goodies and recognition in return. He damn near took over the whole world, but he got greedy.

I believe that this letter was cleverly written and may have been approved by and the author may have received guidance from his voter for wind neighbor. I also think the author may have his own personal interest in helping out Bp and the major leaseholders with hopes of financial return.

This kind of public involvement appears to be right out of the playbook of an outside community organizer.

My opinion?

If you are "pro-Cape" you are anti-wind.

If you are "pro-you" you are a voter for wind.

Anonymous said...

Yes...a very good letter 10:00 PM. No need to hide the name of the writer. Be proud and send it to the PSC.

Anonymous said...

At this stage of the game of PIP I doubt anything the magnitude of this letter would be injected like bad dope into the town without the approval and advisement of Voters for Wind speakers who appear to be a buffer for Trieste Assoc. who has admitted that they are a buffer for Bee Pee. Read the Trieste manifesto and you might agree.
Tell me which is worse? Smoking dope? Or eating a free meal provided by a community organizer and garnished by hopes of money and power? Or, just another free meal.

This letter has the stench of a community organizer and the "organized". Or, as the letter rightfully claims,
The Sheep."

Anonymous said...

Please, please do not confuse public outrage with hate.
Which is exactly what the letter writer has done. What the developers, Trieste, and the wind voters and their buddies have tried to do to the majority of this community is outrageous. A mother can be out raged with her son. Brothers outraged with sisters. Cousins outraged with cousins. But please don't confuse it with hate.

Anonymous said...

etsref 311The only way you can get your own people in "those positions" is by being the majority.

Such it up letter writer. That is what happens in a democracy.

However, in a fascist state the government assisted by corporate thugs come into a community and stomp on local authority and take over.

That is what happens with Art. 10 legislation. Can you imagine that there are people in Cape Vincent that would not only let it happen for their own personal gains but would welcome it.?

Anonymous said...

This letter has the smell of a political campaign.

Voters for Wind trying to win the affections of the community by claiming that anti-wind are haters.

Voters for Wind making believe and telling the community that Art. X is a slam dunk when that is far from the truth.

Voters for wind claiming that the town and village board have done nothing to bring the community together when the reality is; that is not their job.

Their job is to fight like hell to prevent a major, foreign corporation from stomping all over the laws of beautiful Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Communities. Their job is to protect the majority of the community that elected them.

Anonymous said...

Why not bring God into it? He would probably spank you and tell you to look of the definition of financial conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

This letter is a con job. How dumb does the gang green think the Cape people are?

Anonymous said...

No matter what the letter claims wind is the problem and Bp and the pro wind DO NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT OF THE COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reading this letter makes me count my blessings. Thank god our little town changed its leadership. Go to a town meeting of the TB, PB and ZBA and watch honorable men and women guide our community through these very difficult times.

Anonymous said...

Many were at a town meeting when a pro wind called seasonal people unethical and immoral...Then the pro wind on the town board tried to take their voting rights away....Is that the kind of people he may be referring too? Is that what he means when he says its the people?

Anonymous said...

Dear Letter Writer,

If the project that you support goes hundreds of us in the Cape were love will lose home value, lifestyle and health.

To claim that we are haters just because we want to protect our village, town, home, families and legacy is deplorable.

We have zoning laws that protect people from uncaring neighbors.

This letter is also a very cheap shot by the voters for wind.