Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tell Washington to REJECT Weakening Protections for Eagles!

Tell Secretary Ken Salazar to Not Weaken Protections for Bald and Golden Eagles on His Way Out the Door

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has proposed a rule change that will result in more eagles being killed at wind energy projects. They have proposed providing wind companies permits that would legally allow wind turbines to kill majestic Bald and Golden Eagles throughout the United States for up to 30 years. This irresponsible proposal comes just three years after FWS had concluded long permits could jeopardize the survival of eagles.

ABC is concerned that current Secretary of Interior, Ken Salazar, is pushing for this controversial rule to be made before he leaves his position in just a few short weeks.

Please join ABC in telling Secretary Salazar to give the President Obama’s new Secretary of Interior time to reject this terrible proposal.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live across the St. Lawrence River from Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada.

There are 86 wind turbines on Wolfe Island. The industrial wind sacrifice zone that has resulted from the placing of the turbines in the middle of a major Eastern United States migration flyway and permanent habitat has become known as one of the major bird killing fields in North America. On the American side of the St. Lawrence River, in Cape Vincent, NY, British Petroleum is asking to add 124 more turbines to those killing fields.

Please do not weaken protections of eagles by allowing their slaughter by industrial wind turbines.

Thank you for the consideration,