Saturday, February 23, 2013

You get sick of being kicked around ~ misinterpreted.

Harold Wiley ~ Privilege of the floor

Town of Cape Vincent Town Board meeting 2/21/13 

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you  tonight.
 As you all know I haven't spoken in months, and you can thank the bloggers for that.  You get sick of being kicked around, misinterpreted.
Having things said that you don't agree with, and make it sound different than it was. Even people begin to believe that. So, I thought  maybe they'd pick on somebody else, but they haven't. It's quieted down a little. So I thought I would at least express my opinion here tonight.

 For you that don't know me, my name is Harold Wiley. I've lived here all my life. Raised my family here, four of my five children live in Cape Vincent. They love Cape Vincent, they love the people in Cape Vincent.

 I'm sorry to see,  to hear,  to know that there's a controversy here in Cape Vincent. Relatives aren't speaking to relatives,  friends aren't speaking to friends, neighbors aren't speaking to neighbors.  I'd like to think I have many friends in Cape Vincent, and have had over the years. It's gonna take more than controversy to negate, and not be friendly with old friends. Everybody's got a right to their own opinion, and their own thoughts.

 I actually blame the town board for this controversy. They're not representing the total people in Cape Vincent. You have a plan. 1a. defeat windmills -- and that's perfectly all right fight them all you can, if you get rid of  them life will go on, and we’ll live here. But my feeling is that at this point in time you have forced BP to go to Article 10.
If you'd a cooperated with them in the beginning – – I think they're gonna come, again that's my feeling.  They're gonna get here,  they're gonna be here. You should have cooperated with them in the beginning. We could of had  em where we want em.
Wind Mill’s would probably be going by now. So you have held them off now for,  two or three I don't how many years.

And you stop and think-- and I think back to the last election. I think the program or the plot was I'm against windmills. I'm running for office in Cape Vincent. That again, got the absentee ballots out, and got the person elected. People didn't know her from, Adam but they knew what they wanted ,and they knew they were gonna to get it, by putting her office.

So again, I blame the town board for the controversy, and I think you can correct it. I think the town board should be the lead agency in talking to BP. They are gonna come. I think you should face that, and realize it.

Fight them right to the end, that’s ok with me .Fight them to the end, but also be looking out for all of the people of Cape Vincent. And find out, and be the lead agency ,and get the most amount out of BP  that we can possibly get.
 There's  gonna be money floating around out there. Reduce our taxes too, help our school system to help the whole community and to bring the community back together at least consider to be thinking about it let people know that you're going to consider, looking into in talking to BP and find out what the advantages and disadvantages are. There's going to be advantages, and the disadvantages are, we don’t want to look at em.
Fight them right to the end, that's fine, but be ready when they come to get all that you can for the people of Cape Vincent.

Now, I could of written all this down and handed it to you, you would  of said thank you, and I wouldn’t of heard from you again. That’s happened many times in the past. I'm glad to hear you speak and say I am gonna get you an answer Jim, we’ll work with you.   
That's great. That's the way it should be for every issue that comes to the town. 
They should have answers and they should tell people what they're thinking, what they're  gonna do, and get things settled ,and work with the people of Cape Vincent not just have one thought in mind. Get rid of windmills. I would ask-- again-- I could have handed out – and you would of said thank you, but I would like to ask if you have any comments about plan B—and willing to negotiate when the time comes? 
 Should be started now. We should have our County legislator Mike Docteur representing all of the people and talking to BP.

 Get the advantages of this, the advantages of what they will do for us. And I think there will be some advantages. I think they are gonna come. I think-- I’d like to hear some comments. (Inaudible).

Clif Schneider: I would Harold, if the time comes, if the state says in effect that they are going to cast aside our laws. We spent a lot of time and effort developing a comprehensive plan, revising that and doing the law,and of course what we’ve said time and time again is that, that law wasn’t put in place just to keep somebody out. That law was put in place to protect people. 

Now, I know for a lot of folks that have leases and are very anxious to have this program here. Of course they have interests but, there are entirely different interests for those people that are non-participants, as well as other individuals. So that law was put in to effect to protect safety, health and also concerns over property values, a whole host of things.

 Now, if BP and the rest of you come in and abide by that, then we've said all along that you abide by those rules that's fine and dandy, but if you do not there's no way that we can as a responsible group cast aside all of the concerns and interests this community should have,  and we should have, for non- participants and other folks that are involved to protect their rights – so I mean if they want to do that when the time comes if the state says in effect we will cast aside – – you can bet your bottom dollar all of us will fight like crazy to get the most of the deal once we've been told they're gonna come here otherwise were going to stand firm in protecting that law.

Harold Wiley: let me ask you what drove BP to go to Article 10 – – – the zoning law. Zoned them right out of the district so to speak. It's too restrictive. They should – – and you wonder why they…

Urban Hirschey: Harold this is not going to be an all-night discussion okay. After the meeting…

Harold Wiley: inaudible --I want to settle this.

Urban Hirschey: after the meeting, if you want to talk...

Harold Wiley: I’ve got a sick daughter in law I got to attend to

Urban Hirschey: I’ve got an office you know where it is

Harold Wiley: yeah okay,

Urban Hirschey: thank you


Anonymous said...

Voter intimidation, harassment and intimidation of bloggers at a public meeting is wrong. Promoting hatred against individuals or a group is wrong. I believe that is what was happening at the last town board meeting when pro wind privilege of the floor speakers verbally attacked the bloggers who were in attendance.

Anonymous said...

This is what Harold said at a town board meeting August 11, 2011

Harold Wiley:  "My name is Harold Wiley. I've seen most of you or know most of you but for those who don't know me, I'm Harold Wiley.  I am chairman of the Democrat Committee for the town of Cape Vincent. I'm not here as the chairman of any committee or chairman of anything else. I'm here as a life-long resident of Cape Vincent and a concerned citizen. The things that are going on in Cape Vincent with this getting the vote out and the absentee ballots, I have made the statement. It was in the paper that it was unethical and immoral. I'll stand on that. These people, you know, the comment was made that people are voting here because they're concerned and love the community. We all love the community. we have loved it for years. Where's these people been in the last twenty five or thirty years? A lot of things have gone on in Cape Vincent in that twenty five or thirty years through the efforts of the Town Board. They've done the right thing. They've  continue to do the right thing. They should be able to continue to do the right thing. But no, there're going out and getting two hundred and fifty, sixty people to come to Cape Vincent and register that don't live here. Some of them I don't think have been here in twenty five years. But they're going to vote here. It's, well, in my opinion, it's bordering illegal, but it's voter fraud.

Anonymous said...

This is what a Cape Vincent registered voter said in response to Harold.

Tom McMullen: "Excuse me, Mr. Wiley, my name is Tom McMullen and I know I do not  have the privilege of the floor."

Harold Wiley:  "No, you don't. That's a good point I don't believe."

Tom McMullen:  "But I would like,  I would like to address something you said."

Harold Wiley:  "Let me finish."

Urban Hirschey:  "OK, But, Harold you are overstepping your five minutes, but go ahead. You've got a couple more minutes."

Harold Wiley:  "I lost my train of thought, but anyway, let's take care of these people coming in here to vote. It's above and beyond as far as I'm concerned. We do have a petition here of over two hundred signatures on it from Cape Vincent. They are not Democrats, they're not Republicans. They are a mix of people. Some, I think that I've read over are even for wind but they are not for the way this voting is going to take place. We want the Board to know that their petition is available. I did ask if Art Pundt was available. I don't know Art, I never met him. but, I've read his letters and I don't care for some of the comments he has in his letters, but the last letter he put in was right on the money. Don't go home from here and put it on your blog what
Harold Wiley:  "They go home and write that kind of stuff. Lies, untruths, stretch the truth. They say things about people that are not true. And, not sign your name. If you haven't got guts enough to sign your name, it shouldn't be printed. Yes, it's legal, I agree."

Anonymous said...

A bit later, Tom McMullen made this rebuttal to Harold Wiley:

"Mr. Wiley, I have owned property in this area since 1978. Kring's Point,  Clayton, Tibbetts Point Rd. Now, it's Tibbetts Point. I started delivering groceries to the Red and White down the street here in 1966. And, I'm here to tell you that I'm not unethical and I'm not  immoral. And, the reason I choose to vote here is so I can remove corruption and conflicts of interest from this town and this board. And, that's what I intend to do. Thank you."

Anonymous said...

After Harold’s talk on Aug. 11, he presented a petition by Voters for Wind, Citizens for Fair Government and Democrats. It was signed by just a little over 200 people.

Using the same wording, a wind lease holding councilman who many felt was in jeopardy of being re-elected proposed an illegal voter resolution which was passed by two wind lease and a third who married into Harold’s family.

Soon after, Harold joined with Gary King, a very active and powerful pro wind political leader and spokesman for Voters for Wind and sent sent the following letter:

Assessors Office
Town of
County of:

Dear Assessor

The following person has recently registered to vote in the Town of Cape Vincent of Jefferson, New York.

We provide you with this information in the event that there are implications for your community's implementation of the STAR program.

This information can be verified by contacting the County of Jefferson Board of Elections at 175 Arsenal Street, Watertown, New York 13601.
Further contact information for them is at the bottom of this page.

Harold C. Wiley Chairman
Cape Vincent Democratic Party

Gary King Chairman
Citizens for Fair Government

Anonymous said...

You know when I moved here in 1977 Harold and his brother ran the Red and White Market. It was a family ran operation. Over the years I didn't always agree with Harold, but I always respected him and his word. The Wiley's were always a determine party, that is why over the years as a group we fought to get them out of office and we did. I remember their children in school as students, some good some not so good, but he had my respect both in the community as a leader and a person that he give his word to and keep that promise. Harold was a fair man raising his children to be honorable adults. Harold doesn't say much these days, but what he has to say is wise and from the heart. Again, believe what you wish, but being kicked around isn't fair. It so good that we have a person like Harold living in this community, so involved and so needed to help out people. Thank you Harold Wiley for being you.

Anonymous said...

Nice try!
Why don't you stick to bragging about bagging eagles.

Anonymous said...

Too bad for Harold and the bogus commenter’s there are records...

You have a record as well E.g.

Kiss my ass to your welfare defense fund. You'll need every penny if you expect to beat BP at its game. I'll sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet of a good nights sleep. on Cape officials want BP Wind to “get out” of town

Anonymous said...


My theory is that you are a Voter for Wind internet operator who is working under the authority and advisement of those running the Bp community outreach and information program. A committee member, so to speak. It is very likely that you are actually getting a reward for making your comments using names like Start a Business, etc.

Many people are convinced that the Harold Wiley voter fraud claim (by then he had joined with CFFG) along with the illegal voter ID resolution followed by letters to out of town assessors was nothing more than voter intimidation and disenfranchisement. Many consider what was done as a violation of civil rights.

Don't assume that all the voters in what has been called little appalachia are so stupid.

Blog on...Cowboy

Anonymous said...

Add to that before the lawsuit

Bp has powerful lawyers and you have a lot to lose.erankno

Anonymous said...

The two Cape Vincent bloggers have been charged with depriving two Cape Vincent Town Board members of their public office.

To me that means that every single political event in Cape Vincent is reverent to defending the bloggers against the claim.

I am anxiously waiting for the trial of the bloggers so these stories and the activities of voters for wind and the political parties can be told in court and under oath.

That is why I support the:

Blogger's Defense Fund

Box 8

Three Mile Bay, NY 13693

Anonymous said...

"The things that are going on in Cape Vincent with this getting the vote out and the absentee ballots, I have made the statement. It was in the paper that it was unethical and immoral. I'll stand on that."

What is there to misinterpreting that statement?

The 1963 Voter Act is very specific about my right to vote.

Anonymous said...

Harold said about council woman Michelle Oswald.
"That again, got the absentee ballots out, and got the person elected. People didn't know her from, Adam but they knew what they wanted ,and they knew they were gonna to get it, by putting her office."
Michelle has been active in the community for years and years. She was serving the town on the ZBA and attending EVERY TOWN BOARD MEETING FOR YEARS and serving the Republican Party.
On the other hand her opponent, the Agriculture Commissioner's Son had never attended a town meeting and had zilch local government experience.
I voted for her. For him to say that I would vote for someone I knew nothing about or never heard of which was the case with his candidate is another insult to the already insulted majority of voters in the Cape.

Anonymous said...

"People didn't know her from, Adam"

People in
little Appalachia, maybe. But, I have known the difference between man and woman from when I was breastfeeding.

Anonymous said...

Kicked around? Any body who does what they did to democracy should be kicked around.

Anonymous said...

Voters for Wind and their adviser owe CV an apology. But lest's get rid of bp first. The most recent letter from them insulted Cape Vincent and drove the wedge deeper.

Anonymous said...

I want my money! I want my money, dammit !

Anonymous said...

So happy to see the Village
stick up for the Cape. Thanks Liz, Jeff, Jerry, Pam and Tim.

Anonymous said...

8:07"Harold being kicked around isn't fair"

I wouldn't shed any tears for poor, wise, old Harold. He would just as likely squash you under his boot like a discarded cigarette butt, while smiling in your face, if you stood in his way of accomplishing his or his family's goals.

Its nice you have such a nostalgic perception of the man(perhaps you're a nephew or grandson) but please save the soppy rhetoric for family reunions,Lions Club meetings,or democratic party rallys.

The rest of us know the real Harold perfectly well, thank you.

As an added note, Harold's claim that the community division is the present board's fault is preposterous. Pure and simple posturing for the next election.

Anonymous said...

I don't really see where Harold has been misinterpreted.

He said ,pretty darn clearly-"they've done the right thing, they continue to do the right thing, they should be able to continue to do the right thing"

This in spite of the unethical conflicts of interest concerning wind development, and the illegal shenanigans involving water district 2, plus etc. etc. etc.

hard to misinterpret that!! Harold just can't tolerate being disagreed with, and being cast aside from leadership. his exercising of nepotism, bullying ,and questionable ethics is no longer accepted by the majority.

Anonymous said...

Harold, for you to say BP's project will come and that you support it shows that you have not read the 1992 economic survey of the Cape's future, that you have not read the 2003 Joint Comprehensive Plan and that you have not read the 2012 Revision of the Comprehensive Plan.

If you had read any of these documents you would know and understand that what BP proposes for Cape Vincent is a violation of everything Cape residents support and value.

If you have read those plans and still support BP's proposal, it shows you are completely out of touch with what the majority of Cape residents hope for their future, and it shows that you are willing to sacrifice their future for the economic gain of a comparatively few residents.

We don't need your myopic, provincial view of what's best for Cape Vincent's future. The current Town Board should continue to support and defend our plan and zoning law, in spite of your pleadings for us to be quiet, lie down and allow BP to violate our town with their proposed industrial wind disaster.

Anonymous said...

Ask the two pro wind political "leaders" if they sent letters to the lady with wind turbines whose son lives out of town and voted here last fall. If he lives here more than 30 days, he has a right. But did they harass him by sending a letter to his assessor?

Anonymous said...

I doubt Harold has a clue as to how Article x operates.