Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Air National Guard drones support Army activity at Fort Drum, as unit prepares for expansion

FORT DRUM — New York Air National Guard officials like the prospects for their use of unmanned aircraft over the post’s airspace, as they showed off their support Tuesday for the training of the 10th Mountain Division.[Watertown Times]


Anonymous said...

Congressman Owens needs to check in to this. The problem of radar scatter due to ground clutter interference from nearby wind farms is well documented.

The Pentagon can take steps to limit wind development in locations too close to military air operations.

With expanded drone operations and a possible anti-missile missile base coming to Fort Drum, now is the time to deal with the issue.

Anonymous said...

In some parts of the country military have threatened to move out because of wind turbine radar interference with their operations. That is fine inland but on the border...NO.....Fort Drum has already established that
Wolf Island is a problem...I hope CV does not insist on screwing up our security with their wind towers.

Anonymous said...

Wow now we will become targets for foreign missiles in time of conflict. We really need missiles so close to us to defend what, our wonderful 1000 Islands.

Anonymous said...

Military defense is now and always has been big business and a gold mine for those communities who host them, welcome them and cooperate with them. Missile defense and drone operation will create much more to the economy than wind turbines that would drive military away. Hopefully Bill Owens will recognize the advantages of military over industrial wind.

Anonymous said...

Hey what if Fort Drum is closed down by the bract closings. How much money will the government save. We can only hope