Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Department of Public Service Staff recommends Alternatives for BP's Cape Vincent's Industrial Wind Project

Section 2.9 Alternatives (1001.9 Exhibit 9: Alternatives) (pp. 42-51)

 1. One aspect of “alternative location” (16 NYCRR Part 1001.9) that should be evaluated is one or more alternative layouts with a reduced project footprint within the project area.

Staff recommends that the application address alternative facility arrangements, including:

(a)    Alternative arrangements for the various project sizes that may result from use of different size turbines, (e.g., indicating which of the 124 turbine locations would be used for the 285 MW project using 95 turbines rated at 3.0 MW);

(b)    An alternative arrangement that avoids locating wind turbines in exclusion zones specifically identified in the Cape Vincent Zoning Regulations;

(c)    An alternative arrangement that would not require Siting Board approval (e.g., a 24.9MW project to be reviewed by the Town of Cape Vincent per applicable regulations);

(d)    Alternative location for the Operations and Maintenance building, that would locate that facility near the collection substation;

(e)    An alternative underground arrangement for the proposed   115 kV transmission and switchyard-to-substation interconnection line, including associated cost information; and,
 An alternative underground arrangement for the proposed 115 kV transmission interconnection line at the crossing of the Chaumont River corridor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about this for an alternative-

1. for BP- get the hell out of our town.

2. for Albany-get the hell out of our town business.