Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cape Vincent hopes to retain outside users trying to opt-out of Water District 6 by changing fees

CAPE VINCENT — The town has proposed a new fee structure for Water District 6 in hopes of luring back property owners wanting to opt out.
For grant application purposes, Cape Vincent had proposed to expand Water District 6 to include 20 additional Pleasant Valley Road properties.[Watertown Times]


Anonymous said...

Rienbeck says he won't be a part of the district because of the way they went about it. He no doubt would feel the same way if joining saved him $50. There was no way Sour-Grapes Tom would ever agree. This is the guy who lost an election to Supervisor Hirschey and was quoted on the front page of the Times saying, "This sucks doesn't it." Rienbeck's attitude hasn't changed since and the Times report was remiss in not pointing this out because it does effect Rienbeck's attitude about everything.

Anonymous said...

I think Edsall has agreed to join. Now that he is a seasonal resident starting a business in Cape Vincent and it is to his financial advantage to make his property more valuable with properly provided water and no risk of the DEC shutting it down. The district was formed long ago and I think Tom was the super then. Tom is now a seasonal resident that only uses water part of the year and what are we talking about...a difference of 50 bucks one way or the other? This is all politics trying to make Hirschey look bad. Look at the players if you disagree.

Anonymous said...

“It sucks, doesn't it?” Mr. Rienbeck said. “These people, they have registered to vote here but they don't even live here. They obviously took advantage of the gray area of the law.”
Mr. Rienbeck who has been in office for 10 years, said most of the people who changed their registration to vote for Mr. Hirschey were rich seasonal residents who oppose wind farms.
“All they care about is their cottages on the river,” he said. “They are nothing but selfish people. It's a sad day for the people of Cape Vincent.”

Anonymous said...

It appears that during Reinbeck and Edsall's tenure as leaders in Cape Vincent,much was done in disregard of the rules. Improper distribution of municipal water ,not only in district #2, but the village as well, in direct defiance of DEC regs,and general good practice. It is ironic and tragic that they would now have the audacity ,and temerity to degrade attempts to correct these imprudent actions on their part.

Small-mindedness, with a blend of vindictiveness makes for a most unpleasant combination.You would think they would have to remove all the mirrors in their homes, to avoid having to face themselves.