Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don Metzger addresses State Department of Public Service Administrative Law Judge Paul Agresta concerning not awarding DANC Intervenor funding.

Mr. Agresta initially suggested that DANC would not be eligible for Intervenor funding because it is legally deemed a state entity and not a local or municipal party.
“I will promise all of you that we will get to the bottom of the issue,” he said. “We thought it would be a good idea for us to give them funding if we could. So it purely comes down to the matter of what the law says.”
[Watertown Times]
Video  below of Don Metzger  addresses State Department of Public Service Administrative Law Judge Paul Agresta concerning the denial of Intervenor funding to DANC (Development Authority of the North Country)  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That a go, Don.......