Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wind Spins

 Depending on who you talk to about wind energy and how it powers the electric grid, there’s bound to be… well, some spin. Much of the discussion centers the reliability of wind energy in terms of how it meets base load compared to the zero fuel cost and extremely low carbon emissions, as well as concerns about whether or not the wind industry can compete with other forms of energy fuels. With this new three-part series, we hope to provide a quality overview of the wind energy industry – its early development, how it operates now, and where the industry is heading.
In the first installment of “The Wind Bloweth where It Listeth,” we will start with the humble beginnings of the wind industry in farmers’ yards in the early 20th century and go all the way to the building of the first wind farms.

“The Wind Bloweth where it Listeth:” The Past, Present, and Future of the US Wind Energy Industry (Part 1)

In the second installment of “The Wind Bloweth where It Listeth,” we will examine how the industry came of age and some of the challenges it faces. In the later half of the 20th century, with energy prices increasing as well as a greater concern for the environment, government and business devoted more attention to renewable energy policy, including wind power development.

 “The Wind Bloweth where it Listeth”: The Past, Present, and Future of the US Wind Energy Industry (Part 2)

In the third and final installment of “The Wind Bloweth where It Listeth,” we’re going to look at the challenges the wind energy industry faces for future development, as well as to what heights the fickle winds may carry us.

“The Wind Bloweth where it Listeth”: The Past, Present, and Future of the US Wind Energy Industry (Part 3)

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