Thursday, June 27, 2013

A letter to the Article 10 Siting Board: Wind Turbine Projects in the Thousand Islands

This is the latest public comment letter To the Article 10 Siting Board concerning BP's Cape Vincent Wind project.

To the Article 10 Siting Board:
PLEASE, PLEASE, PROTECT THE 1000 ISLANDS at all costs. Tourists and Turbines Don't Mix!
Blanketing this area of Natural Wonders and Wildlife with wind turbines is unforgiveable! Turbines such as
these 497' monsters do not belong around people, domestic animals or wildlife! There are other avenues for
providing electricity to NYS. A solar panel and small windmill provided through tax credits to individuals
would be a good start! Remember we are all entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". These
turbines threaten our health, our prosperity and our ability to pursue happiness. These are foreign corporations,
they have no right to come into our Country and destroy our lives, our scenery, and our wildlife. Shame on
NYS for going along with them and trying to shove them down our throats.

Thank you for the opportunity to express myself.

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