Monday, October 7, 2013

Concerned Citizens comment to the Public Service Commission Concerning BP's CVWF

Here are a few of the latest comments posted on the Public Service Commissions website concerning BP's Cape Vincent Wind Farm

1. Please do not allow BP to contruct an unnecessary, inefficient, industrial turbine plant in Cape Vincent.

2. My home faces Cape Vincent.  One of the most beautiful times of day is the Sunset.  If wind turbines were erected, that view will be forever gone.  I have done in depth research on both the adverse effects and the benefits of Wind Power.  I discovered that the aversities far outweigh any benfit derived from these unsightly towers.  The noise, tremors in the earth, shadow flicker and the harm inflicted on our bird and bat population should be enough to have anyone say not here in our community.  BP has  decieved and lied to the citizens of the Town ofLyme.  I am disgusted that they would put a price tag on our community and some people will follow along with them.  Wind turbines should not be placed in flat lands, nor along the shores of Lake Ontario.  They do nothing but destroy the scenic beauty of our rural area.

3. Are there no defined timelines and deadlines under Article X? Maybe ones that require completion of certain steps and processes under the law?
Are developers free to take their sweet time every step of the way and even free to suspend their development of pre-application and application activity whenever they choose for whatever length of time they wish without any consequences? Is BP free to play out this ugly drama for as long as they like? Why should Cape Vincent suffer endlessly? This project does not belong in our town - it never did match our community and never will match our community. We hope the PSC will put a quick end to this for the sake of our community.

4. Are you kidding with this? Disrupt the beauty of the water meeting the land...... to encourage clean energy for? Let's ask BP to insall wind farms in Nova Scotia to supply electricity to Cape Vincent....

5. wind power has been an issue in our community far too long...years of arm twisting by BP has taken its toll on our long does BP have to continue with their lack of concern for proper this a way of getting our community to buckle under their pressure ?    the majority of the  people of  Cape Vincent have let it be known that wind power started by Iberdola and bought up by BP cannot co-exist with the side effects on our  health and  the loss of property value throughout the community .     the division of family and friends and neighbors over the way the leases were executed....the constant signs of HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH   and WE WANT WIND  create more division and anger....BP had their chance to go by the rules of Cape Vincent   and they chose to ignore everyone including the NY State Public Commission....they want their way or nothing....please ...consider the people of our town...and village...thank you

6. I have to assume that the wind farm siting process under Article 10 was not intended by the Legislature or the Governor to result in the overwhelmingly unwelcome construction of a large-scale wind farm and the pervasive alteration of the nature of the town. We are talking about nothing less than the destruction of Cape Vincent as a viable place to live and prosper and a very adverse effect economically, aesthetically and environmentally on the Thousand Islands Region. The supporters of this proposed wind farm continue to decrease. They consist of the few leaseholders and those ignorant of the extremely negative impact windmills would have on this pristine area. Please don't let it happen.

7. BP has been proposing a large-scale wind project in Cape Vincent for almost a decade. Their efforts to put a wind project in my town go back well before Article X was enacted. And yet, we still know so little about important details of the project. We don¿t even know precisely where they would place their turbines or how tall they would be. It appears that they would consider that information to be important to us only when they are good and ready to reveal that information. This is outrageous and unconscionable. They have cast a shadow of uncertainty over this town for far too long.

8. I was out on my boat two weekends ago in a channel of the St. Lawrence River between Grindstone Island (Part of the town of Clayton, NY) and Thwartway Island, Ontario. In the clear daylight I could plainly see the wind turbines on Wolfe Island due west from my location. Those turbines were over 20 miles away! And I was right down at water level, not looking from an elevated vantage point. BP has done everything it can to understate the reality of the visual impact their project would have on the entire region. When will BP be required to produce professionally done visual impact analysis and imagery that will honestly reveal to the people of the area exactly what is being proposed?

It has been just over a year since BP officially announced its intention to proceed under Article X in Cape Vincent.  And the substantive application work product that has emerged from BP over the course of that year amounts to next to nothing. 

There is clearly a cost to the communities of Cape Vincent and Lyme associated with BP's protracted activity (even if that activity mostly amounts to inactivity.)  No news ¿ perhaps no news most of all ¿ can have a chilling and even paralyzing effect on the decisions of local residents (to buy or sell a property, for example) or on a local government that is unavoidably preoccupied with the possibility of a major new industrial development moving forward that will change everything. BP is being completely indifferent to the well-being of these two towns.  Does anyone at the PSC care about that?

 Link here to post your comment about BP's CVWF on the Public Service Commissions website

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