Saturday, October 5, 2013


11:30 AM

Yesterday rumors were flying all over town that BP was leaving after their long reign of terror in Cape Vincent.  As of yet I have been unable to get a confirmation that BP is leaving .
Yesterday a comment came in to the post that I did about BP leaving .That hits the nail on the head

There may be a lot of conflicting news but the good news is that something is brewing. My reaction to this news tells me just how good I am going to feel when these wind bastards pull the plug. What a relief. I only hope all the rumor is true.  

It has just been confirmed  that there was a meeting hosted by BP Thursday night at Aubreys.  So, there is something to the story.  


Anonymous said...

How embarrassing can it be for the CFG-Democratic candidates? The Bp puppeteers are pulling their strings and they are running around town complaining that the Town does stuff in secret while they have sworn in blood to the bloody brits while trying to secretly screw us all over. Please don't let these numbskulls near our Lyme and CV government until the jackasses get their ethical act together and out from under the influence of the FORMER Ag commissioner.

Stay Focused said...

The question is not wether BP it's leaving. BP has said that they are. The question who, if anyone, would buy the project rights and step in to try to develop it. Hard to imagine they have found a buyer so stupid enough to do that.

Anonymous said...

Richard Chandler came all the way to Cape Vincent from HOuston, TX for a dinner with leaseholders. Wow, something must have been important. What could it be?

Would he come all the way to tell them BP was finally submitting an application for its project? I doubt it.

Would he come all the way to tell them them were nice people and BP appreciates their support? I doubt it.

Would he come all the way to tell leaseholders that BP was pulling the plug and leaving? Now that message would warrant a special trip. A dinner would show BP's appreciation for all of the crap leaseholders have thrown at town officials in order to comply with their contracts and justify BP's payment to them.

It may take some time for someone to finally admit the plug has been pulled, but it is the only story-line that fits Chandler's visit and dinner meeting with leaseholders.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best that BeePee came in secret and hopefully left in secret. At the las BeePee open hous town board members and a guest were harassed. It was documented and reported to the town atty who wrote the PSC. Any open meeting now with those BeePee supporters would be a hazard to the community. We are lucky that on of their many targets a anti wind didn't come across the meeting innocently. Could have been trouble for them.

Anonymous said...


Could also be Chandler is just introducing them to the next buyer who will hold the leases and continue to jerk the chain of our community.

That could warrant a special trip too.

Anonymous said...

I go with 12:03. Although there might be a seasonal who wants to start a business in Cape Vincent and put ten or fifteen out in the boondocks, wink! Wink!
Stick with Hirschey, Bragdon and Oswald for a few mores years until the wind sock puppets deflate a bit.

Anonymous said...

Yes. My hunch is that BP ( Chandler -- whomever -- it doesn't matter) came to tell the leaseholders that BP is still trying hard to sell the project to a new owner but just has not been able to find anyone yet. But that they will diligently keep trying so that the project can continue "for the benefit of the community."
When pigs fly.