Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alexandria opts out of developing scenic designation plan

ALEXANDRIA BAY — The Alexandria Town Council  voted 4-0 to opt out of a multi-community plan to obtain the SASS designation, citing large amounts of negative feedback from residents.
“Everything hasn’t been right with this,” Councilman Gregory L.Wills said.

Town Supervisor  Dale D. Hunneyman said a joint Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP) between the town and village of Alexandria Bay, currently under review by the state Department of State, would achieve the conservation goals of the SASS designation, but without the regulatory burdens. 


Anonymous said...

Too bad. What are they afraid of? Missing out on a good way to make the area stand out as something exceptional.

I'm glad the town board members are not in charge of marketing the Thousand Islands. They would be of no help.

Anonymous said...

They don't even appreciate what they have going for them.

Anonymous said...

It may be time to boycott places that have no respect for what makes them what they are. Sad. Tee shirts, beer and fudge aren't scenic.These are the same folks that drive out every progress idea that comes along. They will have to answer at some point. Or maybe folks will just shrug their shoulders and turn their backs until nothing is left. No surprises here.