
Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Buck stopped here

The Buck Stopped Here ~ Watertown Daily Times

There was a time, not so long ago, when town officials both elected and appointed felt a necessity to comport themselves with dignity, to try to uphold their oaths of office, to set an example through word and deed for their constituents. It was sort of what we expected from the people we put in office, and the people that they appointed to unpaid, volunteer posts.

But somewhere along the line, all that stopped. Somewhere, local officials got it into their heads that a town post was a good path to take for personal enrichment. And I have to admit, the sudden proliferation of proposed wind farms has brought this out in spades. Continue...

The Buck stopped here

"Somewhere, local officials got it into their heads that a town post was a good path to take for personal enrichment. And I have to admit, the sudden proliferation of proposed wind farms has brought this out in spades."

The Buck stopped here

Watertown Daily Times

 October 31, 2009 at 10:11 am

There was a time, not so long ago, when town officials both elected and appointed felt a necessity to comport themselves with dignity, to try to uphold their oaths of office, to set an example through word and deed for their constituents. It was sort of what we expected from the people we put in office, and the people that they appointed to unpaid, volunteer posts.

But somewhere along the line, all that stopped. Somewhere, local officials got it into their heads that a town post was a good path to take for personal enrichment. And I have to admit, the sudden proliferation of proposed wind farms has brought this out in spades.

In October, Oswegatchie Councilman Kenneth Wilson let people know he is.... Link here to continue reading 

aubertine energy committee

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wind turbines show how costly 'free' energy can be

Wind turbines show how costly 'free' energy can be Commentary Minnesota Public Radio News

Most of what the public knows about wind turbines comes from the media.
by Ron Reimer

Without a grounding in the sciences of thermodynamics and economics, the average person, eager to be politically and environmentally correct, fixates on the concept of "free energy," and closes his mind to further discussion of how expensive "free" can be.

Citizen watchdogs like myself, who dig a little deeper to learn the whole story, come off in the media as deluded malcontents or NIMBYs, though we back up our warnings with statistics, case studies, laws of physics, comparative research and personal testimonies of real people who suffer from proximity to turbines. Continue reading via this link

Ronald Reimer is an organic farmer in Ettrick, Wis.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Spain: The Rise of Eco-Corruption? - BusinessWeek

Spain: The Rise of Eco-Corruption? - BusinessWeek

Posted by: Mark Scott on March 23

With governments outlining multi-billion dollar schemes to make investment in green energy more palatable, beware of a new trend: eco-corruption. That’s the take from a Mar. 22 article in British newspaper The Observer, which details the arrest of 19 people in Spain for alleged bribery charges linked to renewable energy projects.

All accused, including a small-town mayor in Northeast Spain, deny the charges. But their story should raise concerns for countries looking to cleantech investment to jumpstart their domestic economies. If Spain, which ranks in the top three for both global wind and solar generation respectively, can fall foul of this type of corruption, then others elsewhere — particularly in countries that want to mirror Spain’s renenwables development — may also attempt to skim money from government coffers. Continue...


Wind energy corruption (3:45) | PRI's The World
Watertown Daily Times | Conflicts of interest in Cape Vincent
Nightly Ramble:Wind power, Iraq, Democrat Corruption, more | BitsBlog
N.Y. wind rush brings corruption complaints, divides rural communities | Grist
N.Y. wind energy corruption probe reaches Vermont: Rutland Herald Online
Corruption in the awarding of wind farm concessions on the Canary Islands

Reforming Wind Power Industry - Greed and Corruption in NY Wind Energy -
Scandal Sullies Spain's Clean Energy
Threads of Corruption that Tie Together Like a Noose - Ron Kaye L.A.
Siemens offers settlements in corruption cases | R&D Mag
href=" Wind Farms and Corruption
Finding the Dark Side of Wind Energy | Daily Yonder | Keep It Rural
Ill wind of corruption in Sicily's alternative energy sector - The Irish Times - Tue, May 05, 2009
Maria Clelia Spinas -- a candle caught in the wind of Venezuelan corruption!
Global warming and/or the end of the world
Changing the vernacular of global warming