Minutes from the planning board meeting of June 12, 2002 indicate that that the planning board discussed N YW's proposed wind study project.
It was tentatively decided that a temporary permit could be issued with a guarantee that the apparatus used for this study be completely removed at the end of 18 months. This 18 month period would begin on the date the approval letter from the planning board was issued it also noted that this would be a one-time educational project approval.
June 17, 2002, Eric Miller N Y W sent a letter to Mary and Frank Giaquinto informing them that he had spoken with planning Board Chair Mr. Edsall about the town permitting requirements for the met tower and per the Planning Board's request NYW sent Mr. Edsall a signed notarized letter guaranteeing that the tower meets setback requirements and will be removed within 18 months. Additionally,Edsall asked that the Gianquinto's review the letter and provide notarized signatures indicating that they were aware of the guarantees made by N Y W .
October 12 2005, Cape Vincent Planning Board Chair Edsall wrote a letter to his wife Virginia Edsall informing her that the Town of Cape Vincent Planning Board had determined at the October 12, 2005 meeting that a personal wind test tower may be placed on property located on Burnt Rock Road belonging to Mr. Frank Warner. Mrs. Edsalls father.The board also determined that no permit shall be required to proceed with the placement of the wind test tower. under the condition that the Wormers except responsibility for the removal of the test tower after two years, if Greenlight energy does not do so.
Both of these test towers were granted conditional approval .
The met tower on Constance road was allowed to be erected with a guarantee that it would be removed in 18 months and the Burnt Rock Road tower was granted a permit with the understanding that it was to be removed by Greenlight Energy(BP) or the land owner after two years.
why are these towers sitll standing?
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I agree, why are they still standing? If the companies don't remove them then it should become the property owners who must remove them.
I don't believe there was any vote on wind tycoon Dick Edsall's wife's tower. And there was no fee. When the Chase tower was permitted they charged Hester fifty bucks. WTF?
Just another example of a "do it yourself, anything goes" style of government of the recent past. It seems there is a new revelation every day. So far our new administration has had the courage to confront and try to "right" these many situations. Keep up the good work! The vast majority of people are with you!
So the Dick man has wind leases. He tells his wife she dies not need a permit for a tower. Then he doesn't charge her the fee? And they don't enforce the permit.
Dick is the same guy who wants to start his own dump on Stoney so he can harass the neighbors.
Thank God that guy is gone from our government.
When will the styrofoam for brains pro wind figure out what is wrong here?
As of now, the ZEO should issue a stop work order and proceed with formal notice that the permit (if ever there was a permit issued) has expired and to proceed with removal in a set period of time. Make it happen.
As usual. Excellent research and excellent report from the Cape blogger.
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