Saturday, February 21, 2015

SASS ~ Protecting Valuable Scenic Resources:

Early traditions of stewardship set a high standard for safeguarding and overseeing the aesthetic character of the landscape that has continued to return dividends over the years. Early efforts, motivated in significant part by a desire to protect the Thousand Islands’ environment, scenic beauty and recreation, have resulted in the acquisition of areas of public park and conservation land. The New York State Legislature summed up compelling reasons to address management of scenic resources when they enacted New York State (NYS) Executive Law 42 in 1981, and established the Division of Coastal Resources to “achieve a balance between economic development and preservation that will permit the beneficial use of coastal resources while preventing the loss of living marine resources and wildlife, diminution of open space areas or public access to the waterfront, shoreline erosion, impairment of scenic beauty, or permanent damage to ecological systems.” (Article 42, s. 912). The State Legislature included scenic character as a key coastal resource protected by law. The law’s Policy #24 encourages guarding of Scenic Areas of Statewide Significance and discourages the modification or destruction of geological forms, vegetation and structures that contribute to the scenic quality of these areas. The policy also discourages the location of inappropriate structures in scenic areas.

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