Support unravels for scenic-area designation as Orleans drops out
CANTON - A plan that called for 10 communities along the St. Lawrence River to earn a Scenic Areas of Statewide Significance designation has begun to unravel because some officials are concerned it could result in unwanted land conservation and create a restrictive business climate. Continue reading ...
Mr. Hunneyman said.
Unlike other officials leading the effort, he said he would support the development of wind projects in the region due to their economic impact in generating property taxes.
An online visual survey for the SASS report conducted last summer, however, found that people overwhelmingly felt that wind turbines detract from the area’s scenic character. More than 600 respondents participated in the survey.
Cape Vincent officials thought wind would be good in our community too! They invited wind into our community. As a result of their visionary leadership they were all voted out of office.
Wait a minute, Hunneyman of Alexandria Bay where they won't get turbines due to an airfield? Nice and neighborly of him.
There are some hidden agendas at work here.
SASS is a good thing that has no bearing on any kind of normal economic development.
But some people are using the issue in a ridiculous attempt to score points on matters that have nothing to do with what SASS is all about.
The Institute for Southern Studies reported that Droz is an adviser to NC-20, a group formed by local development interests that fears
"the financial impact of any limits on coastal development"
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