
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Harvey White Writes a Letter to The Thousand Islands Sun


  1. Harvey must be getting more and more worried by the day. The more he writes, the more idiotic he sounds. He likes to refer to those of us concerned about the effects of turbines as a few anti-wind people controlled by "Ringleaders".
    I think his small brain is starting to realize that the MAJORITY OF THE TOWN doesn't want wind here, and we didn't need a "ringleader" to form our opinions.
    His letters are supported only by his fellow leaseholders, desperate for their "taken for granted" wind checks they think they are entitled to.
    No one else takes his ignorant remarks seriously.

  2. Regardless of how Harvey White tries to spin all these recent events, his big payday and his pot-of-gold are as uncertain today as they have ever been since the day he signed his lease agreement. That's a fact - no spin, no fluff, no myopic hope.

    How all of this is finally resolved no one knows for sure, not even Harvey. But, we know one thing for sure we anti-windies must be perceived as a threat. Why else would Harvey White spend so much time attacking us 96 percenters? Harvey is showing his uncertainty, anxiety and fear. All of us who he has attacked couldn't be happier. I've actually chuckled at his letter.

  3. People in the village should take note of the strobe light on top of Harvey's met tower. Keep in mind that the met tower will have 8 turbines close by that will be more than twice the height of Harvey's tower. If you see the met tower now, thank Harvey for what is wants to do to you in the future.
