Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Citizen Submits a letter To the Cape Vincent Planning Board

Update~ 9:09 AM

I apologize that Mr. Metzgers letter was missing from this post. I have been having issues with Internet explorer , whole posts have been disappearing ETC..
With any luck this will be the last of the Internet gremlins.

The letter that Mr. Metzger submitted tonight was the same letter that was tossed aside by planning Board Chairman Edsall in August and put in the non-response file and deemed unacceptable by Planning Board Chairman Edsall because he said that is was submitted outside of St. Lawrence winds designated comment period for their FEIS.
Mr. Metzger said that this was a bogus statement because his letter was merely a courtesy and no action was required in regard to his letter .
This was a letter that Mr. Metzger had given to the Cape Vincent Town Board and Mr. Metzger was simply attempting to give the Planning board a courtesy copy, and Mr. Edsall in his infinite wisdom decided that it was a comment letter so he just tossed it aside.
Edsalls actions demonstrated an arrogant and callous disregard toward citizens attempting to communicate with the Planning board.

Below is Mr. Metzger's letter and a video 9/8/ 2010 ~ of Mr. Edsall reviewing mail sent to the planning board in RE: to ST. Lawrence Wind's FEIS this video is interesting it is a display of MR. Edsall's blatant disrespect for the citizens of Cape Vincent.

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