Friday, April 1, 2011

Disillusioned in Cape by town elections results

This letter should serve as a reminder to the residents of Cape Vincent of how important it is to vote.

We need representation without conflicts people that have a genuine interest in serving our community.


To the people of the town of Cape Vincent: Many of you probably feel disillusioned or even devastated by the results of the town elections. You may even feel victimized by certain "new" voters. But don't be too upset. You'll still be allowed to stock their favorite beer on local store shelves. You'll still be allowed to maintain the local highways, public buildings and local businesses while they enjoy their wine and cheese parties. You'll still be allowed to fight their fires.

And when they are sick or injured and call 911, you can still respond in the ambulance that your incoming supervisor doesn't know you have. Oh, and those of you who live in the village, don't worry about him changing the look of Broadway. He doesn't know that he won't also be the mayor of the village. And yes, it will still be called Cape Vincent, not Carthage.

I would like to express my great appreciation to Tom Rienbeck for his many years of unwavering dedication to the town of Cape Vincent. He has done an amazing job and accomplished so many positive things for Cape Vincent and its neighbors. My hope is that he won't be out of the supervisor's office for very long.

Julia Gosier


Anonymous said...

oh i was so devastated !yea right i jumped for joy and had a party and i am going to have a bigger party this november .

Anonymous said...

Was Julia Gosier kidding ~

April Fools right!

The only victimizing in cape is being done at the hands of our conflicted officials. Because of their greed and a feeling of entitlement. This letter overflows with venom and it seeks to divide our community even further. This is an angry letter. If you see Julia Gosier on the street give her a friendly smile or a kind word. I think she may need one….

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to know a VFW from Lyme appreciates the dedicated service Tom provided us.
We in CV especially appreciated his endorsements of the conflicted board members and his blind pro-wind views. That's why he was voted out, and not just by seasonal residents. As many locals voted against him as for him!

If Julia wants him, he could possibly be convinced to run in Lyme. The Cape would hate to lose him, but we'll survive.

Anonymous said...

Julia.... I have an idea.... Why don't you and your good friend Tom take a ride over Niagra Falls without a Barrel !!!!! Now wouldn't you two look cute and to say nothing of making a big splash!!!!