Thursday, July 14, 2011


Clif Schneider wrote an angry response to my letter, claiming I supposedly "denigrated" seasonal Cape Vincent residents, when in fact, I was pointing out how it seems anti-wind groups are always trying to sucker seasonal folks out of their money. People are noticing the money is being wasted on anti-wind schemes that either backfire or make things worse.
The anti-wind groups suckered seasonal folks for campaign funds to elect Urban Hirschey, because Urban would have a wind law in place within three months. So Urban wins by 20 votes, and at his first wind law meeting, Urban admits that since he's a member of an anti-wind group that accepts donations to stop wind development, he has just as much a conflict of interest as the town board members with wind leases. If he's allowed to vote, then they are allowed to vote. There's still no wind law.
Now that seasonal people are back and seeing things are no different than before the election, the anti-wind group members on the town board are trying to deliver the proof of corruption they promised to deliver. Yet their audit came up with nothing.
Clif suggested I talk to my neighbors about sound levels, but he should know my neighbors are either wind leaseholders or pro-wind family members. Maybe Clif should publicly admit he's a member of the anti-wind group that tried to sue the town and failed, costing the taxpayers thousands to fend off the lawsuit.
Then there's Clif's survey asking Tibbetts Point residents how they feel about wind turbines on Wolfe Island. He must've only surveyed people he knew would give him the result he wanted, because I know people on Tibbetts who didn't get his survey.
I think the real reason for Clif's angry response was because I called him out as a self-appointed expert in real estate, acoustics, whatever, without any credentials or background in these areas. To show that he's a sound expert, Clif gave a sound demonstration recently by playing the sound of turbines on a tape recorder in a room with 8-foot ceilings. Just like being outdoors.
Finally, Cliff showed complete lack of class by having his letter attacking me appear during a difficult time with my family. He could've called and asked that his letter not appear while I was going through this difficult time. He has real class.

Harvey White
Cape Vincent


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty good for someone with an IQ below 60.