Tuesday, July 5, 2011


July 5, 2009

In the June 23 Times article "New study disputes Cape noise levels," John Byrne says, "He who pays the piper picks the tune," to criticize a sound study completed by accredited sound consultants hired by a wind company. That's his exact quote: "He who pays the piper picks the tune."

John Byrne must realize this quote applies to him and the anti-wind group of which he's a member. By using this quote, he's admitting his anti-wind group paid for a biased sound study.

The anti-wind group may try to say one sound consultant's accreditation is better or different than another consultant's accreditation. But none of that matters. Based on John Byrne's quote, it stands to reason, if you don't like the "tunes" a "piper" is playing, you don't hire him. You'd only hire a "piper " to play the "tunes" that are more in line with your musical tastes. Therefore, John Byrne is admitting his anti-wind group paid for a sound study that was more in line with their point of view than a previous report.

There's only one reason an anti-wind group would pay so much money for an admittedly anti-wind sound study. When an anti-wind group can't find a consensus of experts to support their point of view, they'll pay someone to have a different point of view.

Harvey White
Cape Vincent

Link here to read the article that Harvey White is referring to


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