Article X of the Public Service Law, which is designed to streamline the siting review and approval process for major electric generating facilities.
From the beginning, there have been problems with wind development in New York State.
Article X is back, is it an attempt to fast track wind energy development? The reason that wind development is slow in New York is not because the process needs streamlining.
What is slowing the process is not procedural it is the corruption.
Communities are having monster wind projects shoved down their throats and as a result, citizens have found it necessary to go to court to protect their homes and health. Because of the corruption surrounding wind development, Cuomo established his optional code of conduct for wind development in New York State unfortunately for the citizens in our state this code is nothing more than window dressing, a politician’s way to address the problem without having to do anything about it. Not only is Cuomo’s Wind ethics code optional but apparently, the Attorney Generals task force sees enforcement of the ethics code optional as well.
The problem with our lawmakers in Albany is that they are so entrenched in corruption that when decent honest people in communities need protection from corruption Albany sees it as a technical process eliminating the human element.
As long as we keep feeding the bureaucratic pig, it will continue to devour all sense morality in our state.
1 comment:
Nice photo of Paul Mason.
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