Clean Energy ~ A Dirty Business That Requires Subsidies to Start Up & Corruption to Sustain.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Green Jobs Fall Short of Expectations
Green Jobs Fall Short of Expectations Number of Green Jobs Fails to Live Up to Promises
California: In the Bay Area as in much of the country, the green economy is not proving to be the job-creation engine that many politicians envisioned.
President Obama once pledged to create five million green jobs over 10 years. Gov. Jerry Brown promised 500,000 clean-technology jobs statewide by the end of the decade. However, the results so far suggest such numbers are a pipe dream.
“I won’t say I’m not frustrated,” said Van Jones, a communist and the founder and president of Green For All,and board member of the Apollo Alliance, who served briefly as Mr. Obama’s green-jobs czar before resigning under fire after conservative critics said he had signed a petition accusing the Bush administration of deliberately allowing the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a claim Mr. Jones denies.
The Green Jobs Green Homes movement is a sham. The implantation of the Green Energy economy has helped bring our country to its knees. If this continues, we may someday be transformed into a third world country. Perhaps this is the intention…
New york has a green jobs agenda as well.
October 2009 Gov. David Paterson signed the Green Jobs/Green New York Act of 2009 into law.
“New York is on the way to becoming a global green leader,” said Dan Cantor, executive director of the Working Families Party (WFP). “Using today’s technology, this program will save millions of homeowners on their utility bills, reduce New York’s carbon footprint, and create thousands of badly needed jobs.”
The Green Jobs/Green New York Act of 2009 Was the product of two years of work by a coalition of multiple stakeholders, led by the Center for working families (CWF) and the WFP, with active engagement by the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA), the New York Apollo Alliance, and many others. The coalition worked in cooperation with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who authored the bill and carried it through unanimous passage in the Assembly.
APOLLO ALLIANCE The San Francisco based Apollo Alliance is a very powerful coalition, comprised of radical environmental groups, organized labor unions such as the SEIU, the AFL- CIO ,UAW, and the United Steel workers, the IBEW, and the LIUA partnered with “Social Justice” groups like ACORN and its myriad of underlings… (This is the single largest radical group in America, with more than 400,000 dues-paying member families, and more than 1,200 chapters in 110 U.S. cities.)
The Apollo Alliance has ADMITTED that they wrote the Stimulus Bill AND the Cap and Trade Bill.
The Apollo Alliance network is an incestuous, tangle of interwoven organizations and political activist groups, coming together to reshape our American values and ideals. Under the guise of promoting a clean energy economy.
Acorn a member of the Apollo Alliance coalition (reportedly Acorn Declared Bankruptcy Nov 2010)
Darrel Aubertine was closely aligned with the Working Families party; The Working Families Party (WFP) was a front group for the radical cult ACORN. The Working Family party functioned as a political party in New York State and Connecticut, promoting ACORN-friendly candidates.
ACORN an active member of the interwoven organizations and political activist groups, with the goal of reshaping our American values and ideals. Under the guise of promoting a clean energy economny
The director of New York Apollo Alliance, Jeff Jones is former member of a deadly, domestic terrorist organization the Weatherman he is quoted as saying, “To this day, we still think it was the right thing to do.” This is a comment he made about his former terrorist activities [The Days of Rage] The Apollo Alliance helped construct New York State’s Energy Policy.
I might add that this policy contains a section concerned with, environmental justice; apparently, there must be a typo. It should read selective environmental justice. As any one that has been in the path of the rampant lust for wind development in New York State can attest to. There isn’t any justice for us.
Candidates know that when they're on our line, they're committed to certain things,”
Acorn CEO. Bertha Lewis was quoted in the above statement saying that candidates are committed to "certain things" did she mean things like the Green jobs bill?
Another affiliate of Apollo participated in writing the Green Jobs Bill as well, Lawyers for Green Jobs.
Lawyers for Green Jobs were formed in 2008 by a group of young environmental attorneys who met while attending the New York City Environmental Law Leadership Institute (NYCELLI). Since that time, L4GJ has been engaging national and New York-based green jobs advocacy organizations, such as Green for All, the New York Apollo Alliance, and several environmental justice groups, to foster a statewide policy for green jobs in New York.
Senator Darrel Aubertine, Lead sponsor of the Green Jobs bill in the Senate.
This bill Provided $112 million of capital funding from the Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative (RGGI), $70 million of which will be for a Green
Jobs-Green New York revolving loan fund designed to commit resources
fully during this phase with no less than 50 percent of capital monies
going to residential retrofits.
Additionally it provided $2-4 million of RGGI funds to be used to establish green job
training throughout the state to establish a green workforce for the
2151 century and requires the NYS Department of Labor to work with
NYSERDA to development additional training resources.
There will be tight control on these funds. The legislation calls for an advisory board to monitor all of the projects and how the cash is being distributed.
There were a number of places in the legislation where ACORN, SEIU, and their affiliates stood to gain access to this green slush fund. Hundreds of millions of your tax dollars.
This bill Provided $112 million of capital funding from the Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative (RGGI), $70 million for the Green
Jobs-Green New York revolving loan fund designed to commit resources
fully during this phase with no less than 50 percent of capital monies
going to residential retrofits. In addition, $2-4 million of RGGI funds to be used to establish green job
training throughout the state to establish a green workforce for the
2151 century and requires the NYS Department of Labor to work with
NYSERDA to development additional training resources.
The legislation called for an advisory board to monitor all of the projects and how the cash is being distributed.
The names of the advisory board members are listed below, WFP members are in red:
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Sept. 12, 2010,
Andrew Cuomo is being nominated by the labor-backed Working Families Party.
WFP Looks to Pressure Cuomo on Hydrofracking Ban
June 30th, 2011
When I first heard of wind farms I predicted that the oil companies would get involved. One, to discredit wind as an alternative to oil and gas, and two, to have control of any profits the masses may gain from it. This seems to have gone well for them so far. Since it's your tax dollars they waste, it's a wind wind situation for them.
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