
Saturday, September 24, 2011


This was sent to me in an email and I thought that it was interesting considering that the wind issue in Cape Vincent is not about wind it is about our freedom being taken away for the "Greater Good"

Recently Carmen Becerril, President of ACCIONA Energy, participated on behalf of ACCIONA in a roundtable at the United Nations Private Sector Forum 2011, a forum that defined the role of the private sector in support of the "Sustainable Energy for All" strategy promoted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The aim of this strategy is to unite the efforts of governments, the private sector and civil society partners to achieve three major goals by 2030:

•Achieving universal access to modern energy services.
•Improving energy efficiency by 40%.
•Increasing the share of energy generated from renewable resources around the world to 30%.
The following are the objectives for the Forum:

•To galvanise support for the strategy on "Sustainable Energy for All"
•To create a shared understanding of the role of the private sector in achieving sustainable energy for all
•To provide a platform for companies, investors, Governments, foundations and civil society organizations to share efforts and commitments
•To inspire new forms of public-private partnership to overcome challenges at local level

Does this all tie into AGENDA 21?
If you never heard of Agenda 21 — get ready for possibly the ride of your life. This is the United Nations blueprint for global control; socialism/collectivism on a global scale. It is the integration of economical, social and environmental policies. Government control in the hands of a small elite group under the guise of protecting the environment is just one of the programs fostered by Agenda 21. Now you will ask how this will impact us as Americans? Our individual liberties and property rights will be taken away (happening now). There will be a limit to our property and privacy (happening now). We will not have the freedom to travel or have our own economic freedom (happening now — gas prices prevent us from going too far). We will see shortage of goods. We will be made to make sacrifices by paying higher taxes and redistributing our wealth to those who are too lazy to work (happening now).

Now, what will we get in return? There will be restrictions on energy and water use. Our consumption of products will be decreased as well as our wealth and even our population growth. Look at China. They allow only one child per family. What will they do with an increase of male children when it comes to repopulation? We are not alone but it seems we are on that tract. It shouldn’t happen since we are the country with the most resources available and have privy to more.
Don’t say it can’t happen to us because it already started. There are now people in power who want to nullify our Constitution. They are now forcing us into a system we did not choose by people we did not elect. The free market economy which brought us to such a high level of living will be gone forever. There will be controlled planned economy instead.
All of the above was started three years ago by Barack Obama and his proposed “change.” How will they do this? Four roads lead to this transformation of America. There will be smart growth in cities. People will not own property, but live in certain sections of the country instead, probably leasing in high-rise buildings. We will have non-elected boards and regional governments — not selected by the people but by selected groups. There will be no more small businesses — only those owned by the government.
How can we see this happening and possibly prevent it? Follow the money. See from where our politicians get their money. Don’t take anything for granted — don’ t be afraid to ask questions. As Galileo once said: “All truths are easy to understand, once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.”

Barbara Skokan


  1. I mentioned Paul Wolfowitz's "Project for the New American Century" before. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve already control domestic policy. This was written in 1996 and is known as the "Wolfowitz Doctrines". His ideas were so radical he was requested to resign as head of the CFR. Dick Cheney also headed the CTR and the two conceived the idea of 9/11 as the "New Pearl Harbor" , and that's exactly what Bush called it.
    There has been an agenda to control all natural resources and human resources. I was also called "an end run around democracy". Limiting sovereignty and forming a single government in the world. This is nothing new, just new to mainstream thinking.

  2. How much time is spent, do you suppose, by Cape Vincent wind lease holders in worrying about sustainability?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think it would be worthwhile if Jefferson County legislature convened a group to examine our energy future and what we could do on a local, countywide level to ensure energy sustainability and independence for our future. As Pandora and JLL have demonstrated, there are many engaged, savvy people out here who could contribute ideas and support.

  5. This all may very well tie into Agenda 21. This windmill scourge has all the earmarks of it. The politicians who sponsor this fiasco are oblivious to the people's health, property loss, and general welfare. They can't seem to hear when these points and others are vocalized. Follow the money! Also, it looks more and more like a takeover of the natural resources. This thing is much bigger that our squabble here in Cape Vincent.

  6. 3:09 You're right, it's global. No one seems to concern themselves with where all this "revenue" comes from. Is money any less renewable than current energy sources? Windpower depends on subsidies.
    It's just another giant Ponzi scheme. Ponzi must grow or the pyramid collapses.
    Communities would then have to return to local production just to survive, which it did before the Federal Reserve.

  7. 7:47 AM In response, there are things man has tried, and shelved. I coined my own phrase "Geo-Voltaics" long before the word "photo-voltaics" became such a household word. There was an argument between Edison and Westinghouse over AC and DC current. DC was the best way to store electricity, but AC could be generated over longer distances. The argument was settled when they performed an experiment with an execution. The gruesome results gave Westinghouse the vote. DC storage was relegated to batteries. People can store all the current they want. Now, wouldn't that interfere with this industry ? Of course. GM trash canned its first electric car because it was such a success. Not the failure they said to the media. We have to change out way of thinking. Simply changing lighting to low voltage LED lighting will give you a start. I've been using it for years. One watt of power for 40 watts of lighting? Almost everything runs on DC current these days, and you need a transformer to do it. Why not reverse that and use transformers to convert to AC? Too radical, I suppose.

  8. You know what happens when you turn your car off and you can still listen to the radio? It's the battery that does all the work. car batteries can be charged at home with a solar filling station. Keep the station at charge with normal power when the sun isn't doing the work. Use the same station to run things in the home. Ask that genius electrician who said Wind turbines are "utilities" to explain it. Maybe he can get the Masons to help him out.
