Cape Vincent A friendly little town:
This letter is in response to a comment that came in to a post on this blog.
Here is the portion of the comment that this post addresses
It may be easier to feel victimized by a big faceless corporation, or remote political leaders, but it is a few AMONG us who have made us victims -- without the slightest trace or regret or compunction. When you try to explain to them that they are hurting you, they spit in your eye -- telling you to deal with it or
move away.
Cape Vincent is being destroyed from within
Residents that are devouring the community with a bitter resentment, they seem to feel that they have some god given right to destroy Cape Vincent ,because they are “Natives of privilege” who belong to the lifelong residents club.
This is a clan of a select few that believe they have the right to do anything with their property they want to, even if it hurts others. The turning point that has changed the scope of things is the divide has grown deeper ,no longer is it just the traditional us against them “natives” against outsiders it is now growing into “native” against “native”.
Cape Vincent is no longer the "friendly little town" it once was.
It is not right to hurt others either physically or financially for profit or personal gain it doesn’t matter if they are “native” or not it doesn’t matter if property has been in your family since the beginning of time.
As a resident of Cape Vincent I would like to believe that all our Board Members have our best interests at heart even if we aren’t “Voters for wind” , unfortunately it is doubtful. When as citizens we are deprived of basic zoning regulations , a concept established to protect existing residents from new development. Recently it was discovered that the Planning Board disregarded the recommendations of its own sound consultant and went with the recommendations of the consultant paid by the Wind Company! This is just one of many of the convoluted, steps that some of our Town officials have taken in this Wind fiasco.
Proponents of these massive industrial windmill developments or WMD’s scoff at any concerns voiced over the well documented problems associated with living near these monsters. Such as health issues with noise, do the lease holders think that signing a piece of paper will somehow grant a special immunity from noise or shadow flicker or other problems?
Why do you think Wind companies have confidentiality clauses gag orders and
hush money deals called “Good neighbor agreements”?
It is also my understanding that the wind companies do not protect the land owners against liability from risks of known and unknown dangers associated with electromagnetic field exposure , if this is the case doesn’t this denial of liability speak for itself? The aforementioned are just a few of the issues associated with windmill developments on the health issue side of the matter.
Property devaluation is another big issue, are we to be denied a property protection plan are we expected to sacrifice the equity in our homes to fund another’s retirement or vacation?
There are many documented problems related to the whole delusion of successful wind developments. But this letter is about something else. This letter is about an insidious attitude, even if we don’t have zoning to protect us from harm.
I ask you what kind of people would do this to their own families and neighbors?
We are defined by what we do. It may be legal to twist and bend and warp the law as was done in the case of designating turbines as utilities, but the bigger question, is this the morality that defines our Planning Board and certain members of our Town Board and the people of Cape Vincent that are so profit driven as to harm their
neighbors at any cost?
What a disgraceful legacy.
These citizens of Cape Vincent surely have come a long way.
The time may come when the corruption of big business w/govt that if wind companies want your land for windmills, they will just take it by imminent domain. My parents had prime farmland taken in this way far below value. The unethical way much of these problems have come about may result now in much worse to come despite voting those that are unethical out.
I for one am someone who wouldn't. I refuse to sign any lease that states that I give up all of my property rights. These leases ask,,,, DEMAND,,, way too much, and I doubt anyone with a brain in their head would ever sign one. The fact that town board and other town employee members have signed these ads insult to injury. Anyone who signs is required to "do whatever it takes", apparently legal or otherwise, to accommodate the windpower companies. I staed befire that the reason the leases are the key is that if these corporations owned the property they would be liable directly. They can just walk away as they did in New Orleans and wipe their hands, take their money and invest it in another scheme, such as this. It's time to put a stop to it, by whatever means necessary , and tell these SCUMBAGS that the town doesn't belong to them.There was a saying I will repeat. There are two kinds of people; One person does things and the other tries to figure out how it was done. You can't sit back and let your enemy make all the decisions. These people are the enemy of Cape Vincent, and anyone who signed anything to do with them is just as bad as they are.Eric Schneider knew that, and he's their top hitman. Call it what you will, it's just organized crime. Time for people to defend themselves.
To get the right to "eminent" domain the project has to be made a public project. It is not. Article X does not grandfather this project. It has to be rewritten as an entirely different proposal and go through the application process all over again. It then has to be considered a necessary public project, which in fact it isn't. All leases at this point have a lifespan as well, and all leases have to be paid regardless. Contract law controls both parties. If one side breaks the terms of the contract, the contract becomes unenforceable. Anyone who signs their rights away lose their right to redress. Either way, if the rent isn't paid, they have no further say in anything. The point is, the longer it takes, the bigger their losses. Loss is part of their business, which proves the other point that it's not about wind power. It's about money and control.
This is what wind turbines will be like in Cape Vincent when the subsidies run out. (copy and paste in search)
Ewic,,, Ewic Schnoider,,, you're being followed. Did you really think you could hide like a snake in the gwass? reminds me of the old song , I looked over my shoulder and someone was looking over their shoulder at me. Now that everyone knows what you look like , you're going to have a hard time hiding. One road in, one road out. then again, you know all about "out". next time you're in town I hope you stay longer. Marty misses you very much, and he's going to have a lot of free time soon. Maybe he'll show you Frankenstein's new power generation room. You can stand around with your hair all gay and say that line "It's alive , it's alive !!!" Then go watch the Three Stooges on Carthage TV. Or as you might call it , Educational Television.
11:52 said
"Call it what you will, it's just organized crime."
Not lately! I'd call it Dis-Organized Crime.
You can't tell me Wiley's now infamous petition and the Masons just as infamous resolution are the workings of a well organized, smooth functioning machine.
Nope, their organized wind machine crapped-out a month ago. If the greenies were on top of their game they would not have needed to take the left-over pizza home last week.
5:47 AM So, that was their scheme. Left over pizza. Listen, when they get zapped by that electromagnetic spike from their Frankenstein monster they'll look like left over pizza. Disorganized crime is right. Just like the Three Stooges. These mental midgets need a ladder just to get to stupid.
Probably no real cheese on the pizza. That's made with milk. I think.
"In early 2009 the Socialist government of Spain reduced alternative energy subsidies by 30%.
"At that point the whole pyramid collapsed. They are firing thousands of people. BP closed down the two largest solar production plants in Europe. They are firing between 25,000 and 40,000 people...."
"What do we do with all this industry that we have been creating with subsidies that now is collapsing? The bubble is too big. We cannot continue pumping enough money. ...The President of the Renewable Industry in Spain (wrote a column arguing that) ...the only way is finding other countries that will give taxpayers' money away to our industry to take it and continue maintaining these jobs."
And that's the way it is, America.
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