
Friday, September 16, 2011



  1. I wonder what is going in in their minds now?

  2. Jim is thinking, for once I'm glad I'm the smart one, not the pretty one. Harold is thinking, the old democrate political machine is running just fine.

  3. JIM: Harold, I heard you missed the deadline for filing the paperwork for our caucus.

    HAROLD: It will be okay. Deadlines apply to other people, not me. I carry a lot of weight in the county Democratic party.

    JIM: Dammit Harold, you screwed up the petition drive by not checking with a lawyer and now you've screwed up our caucus. What the hell is the matter with you.

    HAROLD: I know I'm not as sharp and quick as I use to be but I'm still in control and that's the way it is.

    JIM: If this is true Harold, then you've F@#$ed everything up. If there isn't a Democratic line on the ballot, who do you think the party is going to vote for, the Conservatives? Hell no you idiot, they'll vote Republican.

    HAROLD: Jim, don't you understand it yet, they'll all vote for who ever I tell them to vote for - that's the way it is.

    JIM: Harold, you've lost it, really lost it.

  4. Like watching bread mold.

  5. too busy trying to screw things up that they screwed themselves up!!!!!!!

  6. Inquiring Minds Want to KnowSeptember 16, 2011 at 11:42 PM

    What does this fiasco do to future Democrat lines. Don't they have to get so many votes in this election in order to be placed on the next election ballot after the November General.

    If the Dems have no votes, are they legally reconized as a party for the 2012 Presidential election on the Cape Vincent ballot.

    If not, wouldn't that be a real hoot. It would make Gary King more powerful than the Wiley's.
    No Dems would have a major line on the ballot.

    9/16/11 11:40 PM

  7. September 16, 2011 6:03 PM
    Like watching bread mold.

    NO it's More like watching garbage rot.

  8. I think that this is a slick political move by the Democratic Party. By not having any endorced candidates anyone who votes for Mason, Mason, white and Grant has only one line that they can vote on. This prevents any splitting of the vote like when Perot was a 3rd party candidate in 1994 and cost the first Bush the election.


  9. Yeah, CAPT, but in general elections people can vote across party lines. I think the town has spoken loud and clear regarding their values. The Masons , the Whites, and the Wileys have shown themselves for what they are, and Mr Hirschey, Mr. Byrne, and Mr Schneider have stood above all the nonsense in a professional manner. People will learn even more int eh next few weeks. November comes quickly after all. It will give the afflicted plenty of time to make further fools of themselves. They've already gone too far and now that they have the rope all set, they will hang themselves slowly. They think they're in some kind of western, and they should get to see a good hangin'. Don't you think?
