When I write for my blog I attempt to be accurate and to provide documentation for the information that I post however, I've made more than my share of typos and mistakes in my writing over the years.
None of these typos have garnered much attention.
Recently I noticed that new visitors were coming to my blog by the hundreds. The referring link took me to a blog named (Watts up with that?)
I found a story about bat deaths this post-combined information from a couple of stories about bat deaths at wind farms. One of those story’s was a post that I wrote in April of 2011, pointing out the bat mortality rate on Wolfe Island and that Acciona’s St. Lawrence Wind Power project has the potential to significantly impact the future survival of the Indiana bat and all bat species existing in Cape Vincent. Additionally, I wrote that the agricultural industry is poised for huge financial losses and NY State Agricultural Commissioner Darrel Aubertine may contribute to these losses.
Darrel Aubertine’s land is slated for transmission lines to facilitate St. Lawrence winds 53 turbine project. The portion of Aubertine’s land that is slated for transmission lines is perilously close to the Indiana Bat habitat areas...
Aubertine’s answer to the potential development “Who are you to tell me what I can do with my land"?
The bat kills on Wolfe Island have been estimated at approx. 1720 bat kills per year a large number of bats are dying at wind turbines in the United States. The number of bat deaths is higher than any fatality rates seen in this species in the past.
This is significant bats play an important role in providing pest-control services that save the U.S. agriculture industry over $3 billion per year.
Bat populations are declining due to fatalities associated with White-Nose Syndrome and wind turbines, which could lead to significant economic losses on U.S. farms.
White nose syndrome is a deadly mysterious disease that has killed more than a million hibernating bats across the Northeastern U.S. since 2006.
I have been writing about the bat and bird mortality rates on Wolfe Island since the turbines were erected and no one seemed to be concerned.
Until yesterday...
What changed? Why did people suddenly sit up and take notice? What is an acceptable number of bat deaths before people pay attention? Apparently not 1720 bat deaths per year. However, I made a typo and I wrote 1720 bat deaths (per turbine) per year. Two words and people started flocking to my blog to read about Wolfe Islands bat death rate and the potential development of Darrel Aubertine’s land in bat country.
The number of fatalities makes no difference, even if the estimated deaths were significantly less than the reported 1720 the recorded deaths have a huge margin of error and may even be significantly larger than the reported 1720. The bat mortality rates are serious and if people do not sit up and take notice the implications will be devastating...
Link here to the website ~Watts up with that~
Holy Irony Batman! by Anthony Watts
Oh people are paying attention all right, Kate -- particularly people at the wind companies.
This is becoming a big problem for them and they don't have any effective way to deal with it. But they do attempt to assure us of their attention to the problem by promising to periodically count dead birds and bats lying on the ground under their turbines -- the ones the scavangers don't get to first
"Batshit" A level of insanity that the word alone cannot justify.
This may explain why Harold Wiley is simply BATSHIT crazy. A person who is batshit crazy is certifiably nuts. The phrase has origins in the old fashioned term "bats in the belfry." Old churches had a structure at the top called a belfry, which housed the bells. Bats are extremely sensitive to sound and would never inhabit a belfry of an active church where the bell was rung frequently. Occasionally, when a church was abandoned and many years passed without the bell being rung, bats would eventually come and inhabit the belfry. So, when somebody said that an individual had "bats in the belfry" it meant that there was "nothing going on upstairs" (as in that person's brain). To be BATSHIT CRAZY is to take this even a step further. A person who is batshit crazy is so nuts that not only is their belfry full of bats, but so many bats have been there for so long that the belfry is coated in batshit. Hence, the craziest of crazy people are BATSHIT CRAZY.Dude that guy on the corner wears a tinfoil hat and ripped all the wires out of his house so the government couldn't listen to his thoughts.Really? Yeah, he's batshit crazy. So, Harold Wiley has a personal vendetta against bats. It appears.
I'm sure someone is taking notice, but here's the difference...
Pandora realized and corrected the error, still quite an alarming number of bats per year....but the wind developers continue to lie about everything, sound, bird kills, health concerns, viewshed, economic disasters for tourist towns, property values.
Maybe people should take notice of all the rest of the problems with turbines, not to mention ripping off the taxpayers with subsidies and corrupting local officials.
Property values. Towns do whatever they want regardless of property values, then along comes a corporation that buys town hall and devalues property even further.
There was a good story about an old "Indian" who had a lot of land that was "useless" and the railroad wanted it. He asked $50,000 for the land. The railroad said the land was useless to the old man. the old man said "useless to me, yes, but very useful to the railroad". The point is, ACCIONA and others think they can dictate whatever they want. POSTED property used to give a man the right to shoot trespassers.
No wonder they wanted to take our guns away. I went to a turkey shoot with a "cannon" once. I lost the competition, but I made a point.
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