NEW VIDEO ~ PLUS I have just been informed by a reliable source that the Turbine is out of control ~ The brake cable is broken...

Many months ago, I posted this story About Roger D. Alexander and his 92-foot personal wind machine.
Sometime in May of 2009 Planning Board Chair Richard Edsall stated at Planning Board meeting that there might be wind turbine zoning soon and if you want, a personal wind turbine now is the time to go for it before there is a wind law in Cape Vincent.
That is exactly what Roger Alexander did. Mr. Alexander’s neighbor Mary Grogan disputed with the town's zoning board over his wind turbine, which she believes is too close to her property.
"I want it down," said Mary C. Grogan, a seasonal town resident who lives next to Roger D. Alexander.
Ms. Grogan, County Route 7, said the turbine is too close to her residence and she is worried the turbine will affect her son, who has cerebral palsy.
Ms. Grogan said she was not given an opportunity to protest the turbine because the town's Zoning Board of Appeals did not hold a site plan review for the structure.
The town's zoning officer, Alan Wood, said the turbine did not require a site plan review because it was considered a utility and an accessory structure. Turbines are classified as utilities under the town's zoning law.
However, Ms. Grogan said, if the turbine is considered an accessory structure, it should not be taller than the 35 feet allowed under the town's zoning law.
This is just a one example of the convoluted idiocy that is part of Cape Vincent’s Culture of Corruption. However today this turbine tale may have taken a new twist. I got a call this afternoon from a reader telling me that Mr. Alexander’s turbine is spinning wildly out of control. I was told that it looks like it is going to explode and it is rattling and banging .
If it disintegrates, it will be a fitting end to this sorry saga provided no one is injured.
Video of Alexanders Noisy turbine
Link here to watch a longer video of The Alexander Turbine Gone Wild
Link here to read about this Turbine Tale from the lone Ranger...
OMG, this needs to be taken down immediately before someone get injured.
I learned the brake ain't working and who knows how long the thing will stay in one piece. One thing for sure, it wasn't designed to work the way it's working.
It's a danger!
The bearings will seize, the shaft will snap, and the blades will fly in an unpredictable direction. With luck, the wind will calm down and the tower can be dismantled. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
Your video does not come close to the actual noise this thing is making.
The wind isn't supposed to calm down much for two days.
thar she blows
OMG the world is gonna end.looks like its still there and in one find something else to bitch about
The back fin just broke off. This thing is going to blow up.
It's a Kamikaze wind turbine. Must be Japanese made. Anyway, it can now go with the wind.Should reverse direction and fly away from the wind.Or just grind to a halt. I'd set up a booth and lay bets.
Wasn't Alexander's wind turbine deemed as illegal back in 2009. How and when did that ruling get rescinded?
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