Sunday, October 9, 2011

Noise Complaints Fall on Deaf Ears


Acciona has a plan to resolve turbine noise issues.
Acciona's community relations employee will explain ambient noise before construction. Additionally, they will hold safety and environmental compliance briefings, and create channels for registering a complaint.

The Acciona Complaint resolution plan ~

link to complete complaint resolution document

Written complaints shall be directed to SLW and responded to by SLW or their duly authorized representative within 5 calendar days after receipt of any such complaint.

1. If the complaint includes the character or quality of Wind Turbine sound, then any subsequent investigation shall use best practices to evaluate the overall level, tonal, and/ or temporal nature of the wind complaint.

2. Any complaints which cannot be resolved during the initial response shall be subsequently directed to the Town designee, or if there is no Town designee to the Town of Cape Vincent Planning Board for investigation and any such investigation shall be with full cooperation of SLW.
3. If testing is necessary....

4.test results....

5. After the investigation, if the Town of Cape Vincent Planning Board reasonably concludes that operational violations of any applicable permit conditions are shown to be caused by the WMD, SLW shall use
reasonable efforts to mitigate such problems.

6. Continued complaints from the same landowner will trigger additional investigation only if the Town determines that nearby Wind Turbine operational characteristics have changed since the first complaint.

This means that if Acciona had a special use permit in RE: to noise for its Wind Mill Development (WMD) project in Cape Vincent, and you had a complaint about wind turbine noise, your complaint would be directed to the Town Planning Board and after an investigation if it is found that there is a noise problem and Acciona is in violation the special use permit then they will use”Reasonable efforts to mitigate such problems" What does that mean?

Do they say if it is found that if we are in violation of our permit we will shut the offending turbine down?


This document states that they will use what they deem as reasonable efforts to mitigate such problems however they do not define reasonable efforts.

What happens if these reasonable efforts do not solve the problem?

Back to part 6 ~ apparently you are done,

6. Continued complaints from the same landowner will trigger additional investigation only if the Town determines that nearby Wind Turbine operational characteristics have changed since the first complaint
but there is the complaint appeal procedure

This how it works
The complainant may appear before a complaint resolution board
This board will consist of three members: an SLW designee, a Town Officer or employee appointed to the position annually, and an independent third party expert.
Note: The decision of the complaint resolution board shall set forth the manner in which the complaint shall be resolved and the reasons why such resolution is appropriate. In making such a decision, the Complaint resolution board shall take into account the terms and conditions of the special use permit and approved site plans, and shall not require any resolution that is inconsistent with such terms. The decision of the complaint Resolution Board shall be final and binding.

The Developer will
create channels for registering a complaint and formalize a resolution process.


Anonymous said...

Reasonable simply means if there is no remedy, it wouldn't be reasonable to ask for one. A corporation has more rights than any individual. That concept is nothing new. Because of ACCIONA, Cape Vincent will learn very quickly how the 21st century is unfolding for the American people. Frankly, it's not going to be much different than the 20th century. It's just that people don't remember much about it. To really understand the dynamics of it all, you ave to have seen the world outside of Cape Vincent. Those who brag to be full time residents, and sold the town out, aren't only deaf, but blind. Deaf, blind, corrupt, ignorant, and will lose more than anyone else in the long term. They created themselves a hell. Enjoy it, scumbags.

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to explain to the Art.X siting board just how Acciona intended to screw Cape Vincent.

The town's noise consultant, in spite of years of arm twisting by Acciona's attorneys, determines that Acciona's wind project will be too noisy.

Acciona says, alas the town's noise consultant is right. How about we institute our own complaint resolution process and our own complaint board. Ha! Ha!

Rich Edsall, the shifty-eyed God damn liar, says howdy-doo a perfect solution. He along with Angry Tom and Clueless George eat Acciona's pablum. These three crooks accept, hook line and sinker, Acciona's screwing of this town. They invite the rapist in and Edsall gets paid to watch!

99% of the people in this town were unknowingly marched off to Acciona's ovens with this play. The fix was in. Complaints will be logged, investigated and determined to be nothing unexpected. Sorry, but we told you they would be noisy will be Acciona's response to complaints. This is exactly TransAlta's game plan on Wolfe Island - this is how the wind industry operates.

They are right. They have said turbines will be noisy. The shame is only a few knew we were getting screwed, the rest went about their business and hoped our leaders were protecting their interests. Yeah.

Can you imagine seven people sitting on a siting board, two of which will be non-conflicted citizens of the Cape, listening to the details of this sad, sad story and not want to screw Acciona themselves?

We can't wait Tim Conboy, we can't wait to tell the story. The time is coming when the crooks will lose, in spite of shameless signs that tout the Conservatives' fairy tale wish list - character and principles.

Anonymous said...

Do people realize how valuable this blog is with it's timely, profound and accurate research. It must take a lot of time and dedication. Thank you Kay!

Anonymous said...

Beth White strongly promoted the developer's 50 db sound limit, then gave full support to their plan for handling the noise complaints.
She then moved to a place deep in the Lakefront district, miles from the nearest turbine, and facing south to avoid the view of the Wolfe Island project.

Anonymous said...

Someone forgot shit-for- brains. No , wait, there is a pile of steaming maggot crap in there. Sorry. Thought you missed it. never mind.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Beth and Ken White moved from their home in rosiere?