The Voters for Wind deny that an Industrial Wind Complex has any negative effect on property values. In fact, Voters For Wind even went on a fact-finding trip to Wolfe Island Wind. At the Town Board meeting of July 14, 2011 Voter For Wind Karen Stumpf presented the results of their research junket to Wolfe Island. Mrs. Stumpf said that
the only thing they kept hearing from Non-lease holding residents of Wolfe Island was that it is the “Best thing that ever happened, Best thing that ever happened to us.”
“Vacant lots are selling like hotcakes.” “Prices are way, way, way, above assessed values.” “Construction is going wild on Wolfe Island.” She said.
Additionally, she said that she had names and numbers!
This is a copy of a letter submitted to Scott Aubertine, supervisor of the Town of Lyme, Jefferson County, NY. It was written by a local real estate dealer who faces the reality of and expresses concern about the inevitability of reduced real estate sales and loss of property values as a result of BFW.
Dear Scott,
Well……. Here goes, after sitting back and watching, listening, and seeing the negative impact of the wind turbines on business the last year or so, I have decided to speak up.
There are a few things I have to say, and I hope you are listening. I have thoroughly observed things that have been going on over the last couple years, and am amazed by how corporate greed and deception can win over so many, turn friends and neighbors into enemies and even break apart families.
I am amazed that any town would consider a project like this in a Resort/Waterfront community where most of our revenue that has kept us alive comes from our natural beauty that we are so fortunate to have, but are apparently so eager to destroy.
I am further amazed that a town would consider something that has a drastic negative impact on so many, and benefits so few….. and can jeopardize are current tax basis and our historic natural beauty. We have something special here, and whether you want to see it or not, it will hurt us as a town in both tax revenue, real estate values and tourism.
It was interesting to see how ill prepared Pittman* was the other night, he was obviously invited thinking that this town was open armed to this idea and probably realized quickly that was not the case. We are not the type of town that Pitman was describing where most of their projects are going (desolate towns with no economy or natural beauty to hurt) and he even agreed that our town may not be appropriate for this type of project. I also think it is interesting how a survey was done, that clearly shows (and I agree there was no confusion) this town does not want wind turbines anywhere near the water or village communities.
As a town supervisor, I would think this would show clearly the opinion of the people you are supposed to represent, and yet you fight to discredit it in any way possible? Send out another survey to every taxpayer and, again you will see the clear choice of the people!! I am all for clearing things up! This is a democracy and your job is to clearly represent your people.
I also have to say how sad it was to learn the fact that you did represent while trying to obtain office that you were not for the wind turbines. This was clearly miss leading and you changed your opinion very quickly once obtaining office. You are the last person I ever would have ever expected this type of behavior from. I have always held a lot of respect for you, but I do not understand.
1- There will be negative effects on Real Estate values, I can promise you that. There have been studies done that show clearly 60% of the time there is a major negative effect, and up to 40% depreciation of properties can occur.
I already have people who refuse to buy until they know the windmills are NOT coming near the water. I have people who have sold and left the area already because of the talk of windmills, and I know many more people on the fence, ready to dump their properties of wind comes in. Lastly, I had deals actually fall apart last year because buyers heard windmills may come in to our town.
I have already seen the storm cloud come in that Cape Vincent has been living under the last few years.
2-The wind turbines will have a negative effect on our tourism and our economy.
Have you seen Cape Vincent lately? People hate each other down there, business’s that got involved were shunned and dis-credited, families torn apart, and oh yes, you cannot sell anything down there, and everything is for sale!
I think it was made very clear, most people do not object to wind, but they object to them near the water. We are a waterfront community and they are not appropriate for our area. I am not saying they are not appropriate anywhere, but here they are not.
On my last note, after much research, I truly believe these are a fad. Maybe 5-10 years, and something newer, better, smaller will be on the storefront.
There are already so many alternatives out there for green energy, and more will come out in the next few years. Committing to some type of 30-40 year project is absolute insanity.
Why can we not invest in making our Tourism economy stronger and better? Attracting more people to our community and not doing something to drive them away? Something that benefits all and hurts no one?
I have to laugh because a 240 home subdivision that would have extended our village, added major tax revenues, and grown our community in a stable positive way was shunned and put thru hell for 5 years. Yet wind turbines are being shoved down our throats. Things just don’t make sense.
It is also sadly dis-heartening that people on the board with major conflicts will be allowed to vote. I understand it is legal, but it is not right. They are not properly representing the people and are too close to the issue with family members standing to have major financial gain.
I love this town and this community, and what I see is scares me. This town could grow to be an even more wonderful place, steady, stable growth is what it needs. Please focus on what the town needs and what the people need and want. This is what should be most important to you and your board members.
I mean no dis-respect to anyone, I just could not sit back and say nothing when I already see the negative impacts setting in.
Thank You for your time, I truly believe you will help make the right decision in the long run. I still have faith……
I would like to add to Mr. Ormsby’s quote, above, about the 40% of the tax base. That is an average and when you consider that the wind factory hosting communities have a Lake and River district tax base of 80% and up, that is one hell of a sacrifice to make by those citizens because a very few that will benefit are willing to give away and trash those communities.
*Note: The writer of this letter mentions a Wind development Presentation given by Kieth Pittman, Pittman was a partner in Empire State Wind Energy LLC. A company that was backed by Billionaire and Paychex founder Thomas Golisano until it ceased operations because its leaders believe the venture will not be profitable.
the only thing they kept hearing from Non-lease holding residents of Wolfe Island was that it is the “Best thing that ever happened, Best thing that ever happened to us.”
“Vacant lots are selling like hotcakes.” “Prices are way, way, way, above assessed values.” “Construction is going wild on Wolfe Island.” She said.
Additionally, she said that she had names and numbers!
This is a copy of a letter submitted to Scott Aubertine, supervisor of the Town of Lyme, Jefferson County, NY. It was written by a local real estate dealer who faces the reality of and expresses concern about the inevitability of reduced real estate sales and loss of property values as a result of BFW.
Dear Scott,
Well……. Here goes, after sitting back and watching, listening, and seeing the negative impact of the wind turbines on business the last year or so, I have decided to speak up.
There are a few things I have to say, and I hope you are listening. I have thoroughly observed things that have been going on over the last couple years, and am amazed by how corporate greed and deception can win over so many, turn friends and neighbors into enemies and even break apart families.
I am amazed that any town would consider a project like this in a Resort/Waterfront community where most of our revenue that has kept us alive comes from our natural beauty that we are so fortunate to have, but are apparently so eager to destroy.
I am further amazed that a town would consider something that has a drastic negative impact on so many, and benefits so few….. and can jeopardize are current tax basis and our historic natural beauty. We have something special here, and whether you want to see it or not, it will hurt us as a town in both tax revenue, real estate values and tourism.
It was interesting to see how ill prepared Pittman* was the other night, he was obviously invited thinking that this town was open armed to this idea and probably realized quickly that was not the case. We are not the type of town that Pitman was describing where most of their projects are going (desolate towns with no economy or natural beauty to hurt) and he even agreed that our town may not be appropriate for this type of project. I also think it is interesting how a survey was done, that clearly shows (and I agree there was no confusion) this town does not want wind turbines anywhere near the water or village communities.
As a town supervisor, I would think this would show clearly the opinion of the people you are supposed to represent, and yet you fight to discredit it in any way possible? Send out another survey to every taxpayer and, again you will see the clear choice of the people!! I am all for clearing things up! This is a democracy and your job is to clearly represent your people.
I also have to say how sad it was to learn the fact that you did represent while trying to obtain office that you were not for the wind turbines. This was clearly miss leading and you changed your opinion very quickly once obtaining office. You are the last person I ever would have ever expected this type of behavior from. I have always held a lot of respect for you, but I do not understand.
1- There will be negative effects on Real Estate values, I can promise you that. There have been studies done that show clearly 60% of the time there is a major negative effect, and up to 40% depreciation of properties can occur.
I already have people who refuse to buy until they know the windmills are NOT coming near the water. I have people who have sold and left the area already because of the talk of windmills, and I know many more people on the fence, ready to dump their properties of wind comes in. Lastly, I had deals actually fall apart last year because buyers heard windmills may come in to our town.
I have already seen the storm cloud come in that Cape Vincent has been living under the last few years.
2-The wind turbines will have a negative effect on our tourism and our economy.
Have you seen Cape Vincent lately? People hate each other down there, business’s that got involved were shunned and dis-credited, families torn apart, and oh yes, you cannot sell anything down there, and everything is for sale!
I think it was made very clear, most people do not object to wind, but they object to them near the water. We are a waterfront community and they are not appropriate for our area. I am not saying they are not appropriate anywhere, but here they are not.
On my last note, after much research, I truly believe these are a fad. Maybe 5-10 years, and something newer, better, smaller will be on the storefront.
There are already so many alternatives out there for green energy, and more will come out in the next few years. Committing to some type of 30-40 year project is absolute insanity.
Why can we not invest in making our Tourism economy stronger and better? Attracting more people to our community and not doing something to drive them away? Something that benefits all and hurts no one?
I have to laugh because a 240 home subdivision that would have extended our village, added major tax revenues, and grown our community in a stable positive way was shunned and put thru hell for 5 years. Yet wind turbines are being shoved down our throats. Things just don’t make sense.
It is also sadly dis-heartening that people on the board with major conflicts will be allowed to vote. I understand it is legal, but it is not right. They are not properly representing the people and are too close to the issue with family members standing to have major financial gain.
I love this town and this community, and what I see is scares me. This town could grow to be an even more wonderful place, steady, stable growth is what it needs. Please focus on what the town needs and what the people need and want. This is what should be most important to you and your board members.
I mean no dis-respect to anyone, I just could not sit back and say nothing when I already see the negative impacts setting in.
Thank You for your time, I truly believe you will help make the right decision in the long run. I still have faith……
I would like to add to Mr. Ormsby’s quote, above, about the 40% of the tax base. That is an average and when you consider that the wind factory hosting communities have a Lake and River district tax base of 80% and up, that is one hell of a sacrifice to make by those citizens because a very few that will benefit are willing to give away and trash those communities.
*Note: The writer of this letter mentions a Wind development Presentation given by Kieth Pittman, Pittman was a partner in Empire State Wind Energy LLC. A company that was backed by Billionaire and Paychex founder Thomas Golisano until it ceased operations because its leaders believe the venture will not be profitable.
I know of a vacant lot that has no wind leases attached to it. OK, so what you say? The answer to that question may directly concern Scott Aubertine. By the way, the land isn't for sale to ACCIONA either. I guess they'll just have to try to steal it. Then again, isn't that how you people do business? I don't like this game, but what the heck. We'll see if playing by the rules wins or corrupted politicians. I look forward to reading something intelligent. I'm not pro wind, for a lot of reasons.
What was your first clue Aubertine was not honest. Immediately after taking office he hired a relative, against code of ethics. A man not faithful in small things will not be faithful in large things.
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