
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cape Vincent's

Sovereign Disgrace

Harold Wiley’s petition against what he called voter fraud was a document crafted with the intention of disenfranchising a segment of our community. However , it was based on an honest premise, the fact is Harold Wiley and the oligarchy that exists in Cape Vincent truly believe that voter fraud has been perpetrated they believe that they have supreme, independent authority over Cape Vincent.
Cape Vincent is their Sovereign Oligarchy.

Look back on the blatant actions that have been taken by certain members of the Town Board and Planning Board to push their wind development agenda. It is clear that certain board members think that they are above the law ,they have their own conventions that they abide by, for example the comments that the Town Board members made about the Attorney General’s code of ethics. They said it did not apply to Cape Vincent. All through this wind debacle, they have been conducting themselves as they choose. As wind contract holders, they have been voting and recusing on wind issues when it serves their own best interests. They seem to believe that as lifelong residents of Cape Vincent they possess an inborn entitlement of supremacy giving them the right to do as they please.
Moreover, as of yet no authority has stepped in to tell them otherwise.
Now the part time residents who happen to pay full time taxes have stood up for what is right and the good old boys truly do think it is illegal and immoral.

Remember the words of Thomas K. Reinbeck after losing the election of 2009
"It sucks, doesn't it?" "These people, they have registered to vote here but they don't even live here. They obviously took advantage of the gray area of the law."
Mr. Rienbeck said most of the people who changed their registration to vote for Mr. Hirschey were rich seasonal residents who oppose wind farms.
"All they care about is their cottages on the river," "They are nothing but selfish people. It's a sad day for the people of Cape Vincent."
In 2009, in a letter to the Watertown Times Harold Wiley attempted to marginalize Urban Hirschey‘s victory in the race for Town Supervisor, by labeling him a summer person. Additionally, he wrote that Mr. Hirschey was elected by absentee ballots generated from people that are against progress in Cape Vincent.

When Harold Wiley presented his voter fraud petition to the Town Board he stated that "the things that are going on in Cape Vincent with this getting the vote out, the absentee ballots are unethical and immoral in my opinion its bordering illegal." Harold said that the intention of this voter fraud was to manipulate the outcome of the election to defeat wind farm development. Additionally, Harold added, “where have these people (absentee voters) been in the last 25 to 30 years?” “A lot of things have gone on in Cape Vincent in the past 25 or thirty years through the efforts of the town board. The Town Board has done the right thing and they should be able to continue to do the right thing.”
In some small communities, you may find that the good old boy network is alive and well, maybe a pal gets a load of gravel, top soil or someone’s driveway may get paved , perhaps the town provides free stump removal or maybe new sidewalks. People will tolerate things like this; they look the other way generally, when it comes to the little extras that are doled out to the friends of the good old boys.
In Cape Vincent, certain members of both our boards began pushing their wind agenda and an arrogance developed growing until it was out of control, their efforts became so extreme and blatant that citizens that had normally trusted our good old boy network to do the right thing could no longer look the other way.

The proposed wind developments are the single most important issue that has ever been put before our community. These projects are not just benign structures that will bring extra income to lease holders; this is a life-changing event that will affect the quality of life of every resident in our community. These developments will change the face of Cape Vincent forever. It is wrong for a select few that would gain financially from these wind developments, to make these decisions for our community.


  1. Very accurate summary......nice job K.

  2. "Gradually but unmistakably America is showing signs of that arrogance of power which has afflicted, weakened, and in some cases destroyed great nations in the past. In so doing, we are not living up to our capacity and promise as a civilized example for the world. The measure of our falling short is the measure of the patriot's duty of dissent." When a corporate executive is given special favors workers are reminded of the dichotomy in the world, Workers do a good job, the boss gets the credit. Townspeople are not employees and town boards don't hand out bonuses to themselves. It appears that mixed messages have been sent. Maybe that's the problem. We let town workers indulge themselves at our expense. Nicely paved roads and driveways in their neighborhoods and potholes where families live and pay taxes. It's the same everywhere. It sends the same message. " I am privileged. Who are you?" Poor working people know these things, but have no say. Most of the time.
