A recent comment about a post I did titled mitigation reminded me of a couple of incidents from the early days of fighting wind in Cape Vincent.
The comment
these "mitigation" pictures, while humorous, are also very true. They illustrate just how little respect the developers have for our intelligence.
I actually heard Todd Hopper state that Venetian blinds could be installed to deal with shadow flicker. And that goddamn lighthouse "improvement" isn't going help me or anyone else who is negatively affected by the turbines.
What a joke their mitigation proposals are.
My recollections
I think it was at Acciona’s first DEIS public hearing for their St. Lawrence Wind Complex.
At this hearing, a resident of Cape Vincent was addressing the board, they were expressing great concern over the attitude of the wind company and the seriousness of shadow flicker caused by wind turbines.
At issue was Acciona’s suggestion in their summary review of supplying curtains and blinds or trees and shrubs to resolve the problem of shadow flicker.
This resident was appalled that such a ridiculous proposal would be made.
I remember hearing the board members laughing and one even said that there was nothing like that in the DEIS.
Thinking to myself, do they bother to read these documents?
Over these past few years since this meeting, I firmly believe that many of the board members have not read the documents concerning the wind developments, and that they do not care to.
At the September 16, 2010 meeting where the town’s Planning Board reviewed, the Final Environmental Impact Study (FEIS) for Acciona’s St. Lawrence wind complex, Reinbeck asked how are the turbines going to get here?
If he had bothered to read the documents that they were reviewing, he would know how the turbines are going to get here.
Another incident sticks in my mind as well .
At the last public DEIS Wind hearing a resident was expressing concern about the industrial wind developments planned for our community. They wanted to know what this would mean for our future and our children’s future.
While this resident was making an emotional and heartfelt plea. Our Planning Board Chairman Edsall was flossing his teeth!
This disgusting display epitomizes the total lack of concern for our community by Edsall and other conflicted municipal officers . Clearly they have been pushing their wind agenda for their financial gain.
Edsall has since resigned as Planning Board Chairman ,the rest is up to us.
We can make it happen.
We can make Cape Vincent’s future brighter.
Vote Hirschey Byrne & Schneider
The following is from Acciona's DEIS RE shadow flicker
Some residents located within 10 turbine diameters would experience some degree of shadow flicker in the town of Cape Vincent.
The proposed turbines would maintain appropriate buffers to minimize shadow flicker.
Settlement agreements could be used to purchase landscape screening (trees, shrubs), or exclusionary treatments such as curtains or blinds.
Document from Acciona's DEIS pertaining to Shadow flicker

It's easy to tell they only listen to what they are told by their corporate pimps.
K, the night Rienbeck asked how the turbines would get here if they couldn't use 12E, the whole bunch of idiots showed their ignorance by spending precious few moments scratching their heads, even Todd Mathes, Edsall's mouthpiece.
At the time I heard people whispering and laughing in the front row, the were telling them it's in the transportation study in one of the appendices. People in the audience knew, but the jackals who approved the DEIS didn't have a clue.
You are right as rain, our officials never read it, could have cared less and were only interested in getting their money.
Let's finishing the cleansing tomorrow. No, I'm wrong, there's still Orvis. We have to wait two more years for the clean sweep.
Tom is probably still wondering how they are going to get here.
Someone should tell him about the great big trucks and trailers they use.
Tom can stop wondering, they are not coming!
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