We keep hearing the line it's my property and I can do what I want with it, but what seems to be forgotten by the people making these statements are their neighbors right to what is called
the quiet enjoyment of their property as well this is why the concept of zoning laws have been established to protect citizens from inappropriate industrial development. Unfortunately in Cape Vincent we as citizens have been thrown to the wolves. Our system of government has been corrupted and some of our board members have been acting on behalf of a few wind lease holders and the two wind developers interested in turning Cape Vincent into a massive industrial wind complex.
If the impending wind developments proposed for Cape Vincent come to fruition these projects will become quality of life issues on a grand scale add to this the property devaluation outlined in the Cape Vincent Wind Economic report and the noise from the wind turbines - quiet enjoyment of ones property will be a thing of the past.
Well, if the people who sold the town out have to live with their noise as well, then hell is what they have wrought for themselves and the town.
Listen. How quiet it is right now. Enjoy it while it lasts. Someday you'll be able to tell your grandchildren how wonderful your town was once upon a time. Before the winds of change came and destroyed another piece of paradise. If they all went away right now, it would still take years for people to forgive, and even longer to forget. I hope the few who sold their souls enjoy their handful of coins, but when the coins are gone all they will have left are the scars of deceit on their faces. Look them in the eye and take enjoyment from knowing they have no soul left to sell.
I never sold my soul, and I don't have a lease. I wonder how many can say that. Just because you didn't , maybe it's because you weren't asked. No one looks me in the eye and says thank you for not selling out. I'd like to know how many people could have sold out and didn't. All I know is the town elected these scumbags and now they have to get rid of them. Most other times the town does what it pleases regardless of how it effects some landowners rights and property values. As long as it benefited the town in general, no one cares. Just don't let it happen to you. Right? Hypocrisy has a price. It's payback time.
"People who sold the town out have to live with their noise as well"
Not necessarily, many of them live nowhere near their wind property, Gary King, Pat Wiley, and Edsall, to name a few. Some even live in Florida, and others are planning to move to a quiet location.
They are the ultimate Bad Neighbors!
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