There are not many times when a local election can be called the most important since a town was founded. Nevertheless, this aptly describes the importance of this year’s election in the town of Cape Vincent. What is at stake is Cape Vincent’s future and, fortunately for voters, the choices are clearly defined this year.
One future, endorsed by Conservative Party candidates for supervisor and council, proposes two wind projects totaling 135 turbines, which when combined with the Wolfe Island Wind Project would represent the largest commercial wind complex east of the Mississippi River — even larger than Maple Ridge.
The other future, supported by Republican candidates, would follow the “Joint Comprehensive Plan for the Village and Town of Cape Vincent 2003.” The plan represents the foundation for our zoning law and provides a guide to future growth and community development. Cape Vincent’s plan prescribes maintaining the Cape’s “small-town quality of life.” It advises to “further develop the tourism industry.” The plan also dictates what not to do: “discourage the location of towers, prisons or utility facilities where their impact would have a negative impact on scenic vistas and tourism assets.”
The Republican Party of Cape Vincent not only asks for your vote on Tuesday, but also your support for their efforts to work toward the future represented in our village and town’s comprehensive plan. By voting the Republican line on the ballot, you can also be assured that all our candidates have no contracts with commercial wind developers, no conflicts of interest and will serve all the residents of Cape Vincent. Republican candidates John Byrne, Clif Schneider, Colleen Knuth, Pam Youngs and Harry Landers all strongly endorse the spirit of this letter and want to thank you for your support and your vote.
Urban Hirschey
Cape Vincent
The writer is Cape Vincent supervisor
It is a quality of life issue .
Not just for some ,
but for everyone.
Hey , Harvey, Donny and Marty. You have a contract with ACCIONA. You took money to do their bidding. You'd better get the job done. Remember who you work for. Oh yeah, and don't forget to do your "farming" chores.
Can Acciona file a breach of contract lawsuit against Harvey if he loses an election?
time for talking is over -time to vote!!
ACCIONA representa ESPAÑA. Es hora de ir a ACCIONA en casa y tomar su basura con usted. Adios, Amigas.
Translation: ACCIONA is SPAIN.
It's time to go home and take ACCIONA your trash with you. Adios, amigo.
Go away mad, no problem,
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