Tuesday, January 24, 2012



July 9, 2009: The Town Council under the leadership of Thomas K Reinbeck introduced a sham moratorium to protect the Lake and River district, two districts never intended for wind power development. Town officials were asked if they would consider extending the moratorium to all parts of the town, including the areas that were slated for industrial wind development.
“The projects are too far along I don’t think It’s fair to the wind companies” Supervisor Reinbeck said. “We don’t want to suspend those. One is almost complete.”

August 04 2009: The Jefferson County Planning board sent a letter to Supervisor Reinbeck recommending a town wide moratorium, because Cape Vincent Town zoning law does not have a definition for wind generating facilities, and a town wide moratorium would allow time to refine and adopt specific land use regulations for wind generating facilities in all zoning districts.
[ JCPB letter here]
Reinbeck said that the Jefferson County Planning Department had stepped out of line in making their recommendation. Rather than addressing the content of the Jefferson County Planning Department’s letter Reinbeck questioned their authority and took issue with their letter being posted on this blog.
This letter was not a top-secret document; in fact, the Watertown Times had previously printed an article that mirrored the content of this letter. [link to WDT article here]

August 7, 2009: Save the River sent a letter to Supervisor Reinbeck, urging the Town to enact a moratorium throughout the entire town, for all projects currently under development and future projects for one full year. Rienbeck did not make the community of Cape Vincent aware of Save the River’s letter regarding their stand on this important issue.
[S.T.R. letter pg.1]  ~      [S.T.R. Letter pg.2]

August 13, 2009: an 800-signature petition was presented to Supervisor Rienbeck and the Town Board ~ this petition supported a full wind development moratorium.[petition page,1]

A moratorium under Supervisor Reinbeck and the conflicted town board members was never addressed seriously. Perhaps they were fulfilling their wind lease loyalty clauses. Whatever the reason they never respected the will of the people they were elected to serve.
May 30, 2011: The results of the Cape Vincent ZOGBY poll clearly indicated that three out of five surveyed want the Cape Vincent Town Board to impose a moratorium on wind turbines.
In addition, (59%) said that they wanted the wind moratorium to allow time to amend the zoning law to address industrial and individual wind turbines. In accordance to the wishes of the community as indicated by the Zogby, poll [Zogby results here]

Jan 19, 2012: Following the will of the community.
Supervisor Hirschey proposed a resolution for seven-month moratorium on all aspects of wind to provide ample time to rework the zoning law.
February 7, 2012 : was set for a public hearing and special meeting with respect to the moratorium on wind generation facilities; a vote was taken on the resolution.

Supervisor Hirschey yes,
Brooks Bragdon yes,
Clif Schneider yes,
John Byrne yes
Miki Orvis no
Resolution number 10 passed

Link here to Steve Weed CVTB video

For those unable to attend the Feb.7 Special Meeting of the Town Board addressing a wind moratorium
Written comments will be accepted send your letter to town clerk Michelle Bouchard at Capevincentclerk@nnymail.com
Michelle Bouchard
PO Box 915
Cape Vincent, NY 13618
Letter should specifically say that they want to be part of the official record.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this K. All our town council needs to know is the results of the Zogby Poll as well as knowing if we have pages of regulations for GD signs then we ought to have at least one sentence regulating commercial wind. For those nutcases in our town who oppose a moratorium, they ought to have their heads examined. They are probably the same kind of looneytoons who would ignore a five pound cancerous tumor hanging off the end of their noses! Wakeup, become responsible and support the moratorium.

Anonymous said...

This board is representing the citizens of Cape Vincent, not their own special interests. How refreshing.