Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Article 10 ~ A Critical Responsibility

The consequences of the newly passed Power act of New York are unknown.
This new law will regulate Power plant siting statewide. Our lawmakers have a moral responsibility to protect the citizens of New York State to ensure that the siting of new power generating facilities do not harm the public. Unfortunately, the New York State Legislature is
“One of the most corrupt and the most dysfunctional in the nation with a blatant disregard of right and wrong.” Our state legislators cannot regulate their own moral behavior how can they reasonably be expected to regulate safe power plant siting.

The State is concerned over the safety of Hydro – Fracking while they push a wind development agenda without any concerned about the consequences that this agenda will have on its citizens.

Industrial Wind energy development is not a benign process; Wind power has fallen under a Green umbrella mischaracterized as the perfect embodiment of green energy giving it a free pass. Wind power is unreliable, expensive and highly subsidized does not matter to our legislators. The distorted perception that wind power is the panacea of all energy may reduce the permitting processes into nothing more than a routine formality.

As industrial wind development spreads across the globe, so do the health issues caused from living in close proximity to industrial wind developments. With the passing of the Power Act of New York, the days of plausible deniability are over for our legislators they must be held accountable for their actions.
Our representatives have forgotten about the citizens that they were elected to serve. We have been cut out of the democratic process by aggressive wind development promoted by our Government.
Will the State of New York look into the possible health implications concerning wind turbine siting and human health?

I am not aware of any safety assessment by The New York State Department of Health concerning Industrial wind and human health .
However below is a copy of a letter written by the New York state Department of Health November 7, 2008 giving their non- opinion, opinion concerning Wind Turbines and human health...

We are reviewing current scientific literature and other information addressing possible human health effects associated with wind turbine noise. And we will continue to monitor and review the scientific literature addressing this issue.

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