Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gross leaving Cape Vincent

BP bringing in New Project manager

BP Project manager, Peter Gross was first introduced to our community at the June 8, 2011 planning board meeting. Now like his predecessor he is leaving for greener pastures.
Gross told a Watertown Times reporter Wednesday he is leaving BP to “pursue an opportunity at another company” but that the wind farm project will move ahead with Richard F. Chandler.
Is British Petroleum sending in the big guns to whip our community into shape?
Mr. Chandler, the wind farm’s new project manager, has been involved in a number of large-scale, commercial solar-photovoltaic projects and has most recently completed the 31-megawatt Long Island Solar Farm as the director of development at BP Solar.
This is an attempt by BP to rebrand themselves as the good guys, announcing that they are rethinking the placement and number of turbines for the approximately 200-megawatt project. BP wants to show critics that it is “willing to compromise” in the project by “re-optimizing” the layout. Mr. Gross said BP is not sure which “landowners are getting the shaft” but that the company is devoting “a lot of time and attention to create the best layout.” BP has devoted a lot of time and attention making sure the whole community gets the shaft !

Their wind project will forever scar our community destroying property values slaughtering birds and re-defining our community’s peaceful scenic community into a wind wasteland.
Mr. Gross has hinted that BP would submit an application to the state to consider under Article X if the town of Cape Vincent adopts a stricter set of zoning laws on wind development, saying in February that the merger of the two wind projects was structured “in a manner that preserves all of our permitting options.”
This is my message to BP’s new project manager, welcome to Cape Vincent now leave and take your monster turbines with you!

Link here forMore from the Watertown Times


Anonymous said...

Who will replace Gross? More experienced manager would suggest raising the bar, new guy(ette) fresh out of Podunk State would indicate a care taker manager. Let's hope for youth over experience.

Anonymous said...

unofficially, Cape Vincent is the sunniest spot in the state.
Bring on the solar shangri-la

Anonymous said...

Mr. Chandler, you and BP are no longer welcome in the Cape. BP can't seem to keep an employee for very long, doesn't speak well for them.

Anonymous said...

Madden,Gross, Chandler,
Three strikes GET OUT!

Anonymous said...

Where in the world is Todd Hopper?

Anonymous said...

Adios Gross!

Anonymous said...

Is he the BP guy that just got arrested by the FBI for erasing e-mails related to the BP big Oil Spill?

Anonymous said...

No, this is the guy picked for a last ditch desperate effort, to get this albatross off the ground.

Anonymous said...

Chandler may be better at lobbying than he is at running a project. BP would be crazy to assume that the updated Cape Vincent Law would not be more restrictive and, without question, is gearing up to take their dog and pony show to Albany. In that Chandler has considerable solar backgroud, the project could include a mix of solar and wind or it could be all solar or it could be all wind. All wind would be a tough sell no matter how skilled or how much money the lobbyists display. It appears that the Cape will be a very interesting place for media coverage over the next several months. It appears that the zoning committee is fully aware of solar options and is a little ahead of the curve on wording the law to accommodate solar and discourage wind.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to all who helped get our new town officials elected. We now have reason to hope.

Anonymous said...

If they want to tweak the project then try a solar tweak. BP has the right guy in place for solar, BP makes solar panels and BP has done solar farms for New YOrk. Tell me why they couldn't do the solar tweak?

Anonymous said...

BP breeds environmental degradation, they need to leave our town forever!

Anonymous said...


With BP's track record for safety if we could be injured with a solar array, then BP's the company that can get it done.

Good point though, if a cancer surgeon has 80% of his patients die, why would anyone enlist his services?

If BP is junk energy development, then what company is socially responsible and a good corporate citizen?

Does Ben and Jerry do solar or wind?

Anonymous said...

"Does Ben and Jerry do solar or wind?"

No, but they do have a new flavor called, "Wind Ban Nuts".

Anonymous said...

How about BP Chocolate Sludge?