Saturday, April 28, 2012

Viva La Resistance

When I began writing this post, I noticed that this would be post number four thousand for this blog.
That started me thinking about the beginning of my blogging adventures. Moreover, how far our community has come since this wind mess began.
From time to time, I get emails thanking me for what I do.
To say that I have had a little help from my friends is an understatement.
I am proud to belong to a diverse group of resistors that care deeply for their community and are determined to make it a better place.
These people give me inspiration, information and support.
We have journeyed together down a difficult path and continue to do so.

If I could say one positive thing about Cape Vincent being targeted by big wind, it would be the fellowship that has formed in our community. So many people have pulled together to accomplish the seemingly impossible in Cape Vincent. We have the success of the election, followed by a moratorium, which has allowed breathing room for our zoning law committee, enabling them to develop protective zoning for all residents of our community.

Cape Vincent is beginning to evolve in a positive way through the efforts and hard work of these dedicated people.
I just want to say I am thankful for  each and everyone one of you for your part in this effort, because of you Cape Vincent has a bright future on the horizon.